


repository (subversion) browsing, receiving 404 when viewing diffs

Added by Cheyenne Wills over 12 years ago

It appears that the subversion adapter is not properly using pegged revisions.

For example, say I have a path of /ver123 that was created at revision 50 from a copy of /ver122 and a file "myfile" that has been changed in each revision. When I try to browse the repository and do a diff between revision 40 and 42 I get a 404 error from redmine.

Looking at the commands that redmine is issuing, it appears that redmine is not properly using pegged revisions.

This is the diff command that subversion_adapter.rb is issuing

svn diff -r40:42 file:///myrepos/ver123/myfile@42 
   svn: File not found: revision 42, path '/ver123/myfile'

However if I do the following command

svn diff -r40:42 file:///myrepos/ver123/myfile@HEAD
  ... correct diff shown here...

Replies (1)

RE: repository (subversion) browsing, receiving 404 when viewing diffs - Added by Cheyenne Wills over 12 years ago

This also can occur if a directory is renamed..

for example:

At rev 42 the directory structure looks like:


At rev 49 the directory is renamed to:


If the current revision is 50, and I browse the repository and click on "myfile", I will be shown the change history, but if I say click on the difference between 42 and 43 I will get the 404 error.
