


Error 500 viewing issue lists after upgrade to 1.3.2

Added by L X about 12 years ago

Perhaps similar to Error 500 after upgrading to 1.4

We have installed the Bitnami Redmine stack running Redmine version 1.3.2. After upgrading the database and restarting, everything looks fine except for a 500 error when trying to list issues.

Error occurs for "View all issues", or when viewing built-in filters such as all "High" priority issues.

Error does not occur when viewing queries saved by users.
Error does not occur when viewing a single issue's detail page.

I have not installed any plugins.

Output of RAILS_ENV=production apps/redmine/script/about:

About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.8.17
Rack version 1.1.1
Rails version 2.3.14
Active Record version 2.3.14
Active Resource version 2.3.14
Action Mailer version 2.3.14
Active Support version 2.3.14
Application root /opt/redmine-1.3.2-1/apps/redmine
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20110902000000

Excerpt of error from redmine/log/production.log (See attached file for full error):

ActionView::TemplateError (interning empty string) on line #7 of app/views/queries/_columns.html.erb:
6:       <%= select_tag 'available_columns',
7:               options_for_select((query.available_columns - query.columns).collect {|column| [column.caption,]}),
8:               :multiple => true, :size => 10, :style => "width:150px",
9:               :ondblclick => "moveOptions(this.form.available_columns, this.form.selected_columns);" %>

Any ideas? Or any suggestions for what to look at next?

Replies (4)

RE: Error 500 viewing issue lists after upgrade to 1.3.2 - Added by L X about 12 years ago

Update (still getting errors):

I rolled everything back and started the upgrade over following the upgrade process in the wiki. I checked my Redmine site in a browser after each step. Everything looked fantastic with the new data and all the functionality seeming to work... until the very, very end when I restarted the servers with restart. Then I got the 500 errors again.

These look like clues... but I'm not sure what to do with them. :-\

RE: Error 500 viewing issue lists after upgrade to 1.3.2 - Added by L X about 12 years ago

Update (different errors):

We started over by uninstalling the Redmine 1.3.2 Bitnami stack, then installing the Redmine 1.4.0 Bitnami stack. The clean install looked good.

Then I followed steps to update the database from RedmineUpgrade. Now I get a MySQL error:
Unknown column 'is_default' in 'where clause': SELECT * FROM `repositories` ...
It looks like other people have encountered this issue.

RE: Error 500 viewing issue lists after upgrade to 1.3.2 - Added by L X about 12 years ago

Argh... worked around the Unknown column 'is_default' error when running rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production by following steps advised in the other thread.

Now I'm back to the same 500 error I had originally.

RE: Error 500 viewing issue lists after upgrade to 1.3.2 - Added by Laurent Hubert almost 12 years ago

I add the same problem after migration for 6.3 to 1.3.2.
I solved it by logging as administrator then go to
"Administration" - "Settings" - "Issue tracking" and then I select all unselected boxes. After that this problem was solved.

