


Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email

Added by Scott Blair about 12 years ago

Someone please help save me here. I detest moding the code but need to make a simple change to add a custom field value into the Subject line on the notification emails. I've searched everywhere and come close to getting it working but am not quite there yet.

In /app/models/mailer.rb

subject "[#{} - #{} ##{}] (#{}) #{issue.subject}"

I have found that adding #{issue.custom_field_values} will print out ALL the custom value fields for that issue. i.e. what I get is that values for each of these custom fields displayed: "1"=>"Arcade", "3"=>"3", "4"=>"Cyclone" what it actually displays in the Subject line for that array is "Arcade3Cyclone" but I need to just access ONE of the custom field values and not have all of them displayed.

Here are just a few of some of the things that I have tried and failed at using:


In app/views/mailer/_issue.text.erb it does print out the custom fields in the body of the email using the following:

<%=l(:field_author)%>: <%= %>
<%=l(:field_status)%>: <%= issue.status %>
<%=l(:field_priority)%>: <%= issue.priority %>
<%=l(:field_assigned_to)%>: <%= issue.assigned_to %>
<%=l(:field_category)%>: <%= issue.category %>
<%=l(:field_fixed_version)%>: <%= issue.fixed_version %>
<% issue.custom_field_values.each do |c| %><%= %>: <%= show_value(c) %>
<% end %>

<%= issue.description %>

I've tried various ways of using that code there to access a single element in the mailer.rb file for the Subject field but failed since I'm not familiar with this language enough.

Thanks for the assistance!


Replies (7)

RE: Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email - Added by Tim Schoffelman about 10 years ago

Hey Scott - we you able to figure this out?

RE: Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email - Added by Scott Blair about 10 years ago

Yes, I was able to eventually get it to work.

RE: Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email - Added by Tim Schoffelman about 10 years ago

Do you happen to remember what you used, I'd like to do something similar to what you used above.

RE: Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email - Added by Scott Blair about 10 years ago

Here's what I did:

In: /rails_apps/redmine/app/models/mailer.rb added #{custom_field_values} to the Subject line.

I never did work out how to include just 1 custom field. In the end, for this project we only ended up needing the 1 custom field so it wasn't an issue for me as worked for what I needed.


   message_id issue
    @author =
    recipients issue.recipients
    cc(issue.watcher_recipients - @recipients)
    subject "[#{} - #{} ##{}] (#{}) #{issue.custom_field_values} : #{issue.subject}" 
    body :issue => issue,
         :issue_url => url_for(:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue)
    render_multipart('issue_add', body)

RE: Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email - Added by Pierre Labrie almost 10 years ago

This works in redmine 2.1 and 2.5. I used it to add a recipient to the mail list.


You take the id of the custom field in the url of the edition link: http://yourURL/custom_fields/55/edit

RE: Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email - Added by Charles So about 9 years ago

What's the pre-requisite to using this variable? Do I have to instantiate any Class, if I want to use it somewhere else?

The reason is because we need this field value to replace the default Return-Path in email header.

RE: Adding Custom Field Value to Subject in Notification Email - Added by Federico Di Dio over 7 years ago

Pierre Labrie wrote:

You take the id of the custom field in the url of the edition link: http://yourURL/custom_fields/55/edit

I solved it this way:


Also, make sure the method you are patching is actually used... I was very puzzled until I noticed a (long forgotten) plugin was overriding it. :)
