


Red line in repository browser

Added by Ion Tichy about 12 years ago


I'm using Redmine with the plugin for GIT repositories. I can see something in the repo browser, which I can't explain. There is a red line to the left of the revision numbers (see screenshot). I have no idea what it represents. Can someone explain it to me?

redline.tiff (60.4 KB) redline.tiff Screenshot of the red line

Replies (3)

RE: Red line in repository browser - Added by Ivan Cenov about 12 years ago

This line graphically describes branches in the repository. When you create some branches and afterwards merges, you'll see more lines and they will explain themselves.

RE: Red line in repository browser - Added by Ion Tichy about 12 years ago

You see, that's just the thing. No one created a branch. There is just master. And at some point this red line appeared.
