


E-mail notifications do not show START TIME and END TIME - Redmine 2.0 (latest)

Added by Artur M about 12 years ago


Can't find how to add Start Time and End Time fields in the e-mail notifications body All other fields are there including a custom field but these ones are not and that's essential for what we want Redmine for.

Thanks in advance.

Replies (4)

RE: E-mail notifications do not show START TIME and END TIME - Redmine 2.0 (latest) - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

A M wrote:

It's on the subject: 2.0.

Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention yesterday :-/
How do you specify START TIME and END TIME?
The correct notation would be
Start date: 2012-07-23
Due date: 2012-07-26

RE: E-mail notifications do not show START TIME and END TIME - Redmine 2.0 (latest) - Added by Artur M about 12 years ago

I don't write the dates, I always use the calendar. Meanwhile I've created a custom field "deadline" and that one is included in the e-mails. I think I can live with that but I'd like to understand why some fields of the tasks show in the alert e-mails and others don't. Thanks JN.
