


new issue by email problem

Added by Poilkj John about 12 years ago


I want new issue by email ,but dont work

log debug:
MailHandler: missing information from John: Unable to determine target project
Message 1 can not be processed

email example, without subject:

This is a new issue that overrides a few attributes

Project: foo
Tracker: Bug
Priority: Urgent
Status: Resolved


Replies (7)

RE: new issue by email problem - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Unable to determine target project
Does the project "foo" exist?
Remember that the keywords must be in English but the values reflect your locale.
Judging from your eMail address I assume your locale to be HU, if that's the case the value for "Priority: Urgent" should read "sürgős" (if google translate is correct)...

RE: new issue by email problem - Added by Poilkj John about 12 years ago


Thanks, name of the project was bad. (The short name is needed where the link is)

second problem:

This ok, send mail when a new issue:
Project: ok (in Hungarian words)
Status: ok
Priority: ok

and they are bad, not appear, only in issue description:
start_date: 2012-07-25
due_date: 2012-07-25
estimated_hours: 60
done_ratio: 50 %

imap sync script in crontab:
  1. redmine rake -f /opt/redmine/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=server username= password=secret allow_override=project,tracker,status,priority,category,assigned_to,start_date,due_date,estimated_hours,done_ratio

Thanks in advance

RE: new issue by email problem - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Poilkj John wrote:

and they are bad, not appear, only in issue description:

"Subject" isn't a keyword. The Subject of the mail is put into the subject of the issue.

start_date: 2012-07-25
due_date: 2012-07-25

Try to use capitalized keywords, perhaps that makes a difference?
The keywords that work in my instance are:
Assigned to:
Start date:
Due date:

estimated_hours: 60
done_ratio: 50 %

I'm not sure you can set those by mail, gotta look into the source sometime but I'm quite busy ATM...

RE: new issue by email problem - Added by marco deluca about 12 years ago

I'm having issues with of the overrides as well. Here's what's in the cronjob:


Now in the email, the following works regardless of whether I capitalize the override param or not:

project: freshbooks
tracker: bug
status: feedback
priority: low

The following do NOT work no matter what variations I try:

assigned_to: Marco DeLuca
fixed_version: project_v1.0.0
start_date: 2012-10-25
due_date: 2012-09-25
estimated_hours: 10
done_ratio: 10 %

According to the help page:, all of these overrides exist:

"Valid attribute values that can used with the allow-override option are: project, tracker, status, priority, category, assigned_to, fixed_version (aka. Target version), start_date, due_date, estimated_hours, done_ratio."

Anyone able to get all overrides working?

Redmine version 2.0.3.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.6
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
add_link 0.0.1
redmine_knowledgebase 2.1.1
redmine_stealth 0.5.1
redmine_wktime 0.0.9

RE: new issue by email problem - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

I use the following syntax and it works:
Assigned to: <username>
Start date: <date yyyy-MM-dd>
End date: <date yyyy-MM-dd>

RE: new issue by email problem - Added by marco deluca about 12 years ago

Ah so plain english works is what you're saying then:)

I'll give it a try!

RE: new issue by email problem - Added by marco deluca about 12 years ago

Yep that all works now. Thanks for your help. Not that intuitive from the help page, but makes perfect sense as its using the column title:

Project: value
Tracker: value
Status: value
Priority: value
Target version: value
Assigned to: Firstname Lastname
Start date: YYYY-MM-DD
End date: YYYY-MM-DD
Estimated hours: #
Done ratio: #
