


Receiving Emails - Problems with allow_overrides

Added by marco deluca about 12 years ago

I've got a cronjob setup to enable redmine to receive emails. Everything is working well except allow_overrides. With the cron syntax below, I am able to override the project only. None of the other overrides are registered.

Is there something wrong with this syntax? From the help file, i think it's just supposed to be a comma separated list right?

cron syntax: unknown_user=create project=inbox tracker=Support no_permission_check=1 allow_overrides=project,tracker,status,priority,category,assigned_to,fixed_version,start_date,due_date,estimated_hours,done_ratio

When I do the following, the project override works, but nothing else:

blah blah
Project: Foo
Tracker: Bar
Priority: Urgent

Any ideas why the overrides are failing?

Replies (1)

RE: Receiving Emails - Problems with allow_overrides - Added by marco deluca about 12 years ago

Bah nevermind, I saw it 30 seconds after I posted this. It's allow_override, not overrideS pluralized.
