


text formatting help in 2.1.2...?

Added by Carlos Miranda Molina almost 12 years ago

Hello everybody!

In 2.1.2 version i don't see anymore text formatting help.

Anyone can help me...?

Replies (5)

RE: text formatting help in 2.1.2...? - Added by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago

I think the tool bar is made javascript. Maybe a folder is not writable for expansion
Please check ur file system permissions .

RE: text formatting help in 2.1.2...? - Added by Carlos Miranda Molina almost 12 years ago

Thanks, but not...

The permissions are ok.

Any idea...?

This is my text box (without Text Formatting link bar)

RE: text formatting help in 2.1.2...? - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

Try to remove plugins, one by one and see what happens. May be some of them prevents Text Formatting link bar to appear.

RE: text formatting help in 2.1.2...? - Added by Carlos Miranda Molina almost 12 years ago

Ivan Cenov wrote:

Try to remove plugins, one by one and see what happens. May be some of them prevents Text Formatting link bar to appear.

Thank you.
I finally resolve this issue.

The problem was caused with this plugin:

RE: text formatting help in 2.1.2...? - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

The problem has been resolved recently; try to upgrade to trunk of this plugin.
