


Change SVN

Added by Remco Loeff over 11 years ago


I had a question about SVN.
At the moment i have some projects in sourcerepo.
For this projects i had the svn link.
But now i switched from sourcerepo to redmine.

Because now i have a project on svn like:"companyname"/"Projectmap"
But in redmine i have: http://svn."companyname".nl:8080/svn/"Projectmap"

Is it possible to take the repository from sourcerepo to redmine, so i don't loose my revisions.

Replies (1)

RE: Change SVN - Added by Ivan Cenov over 11 years ago

Redmine does not host or contain svn repositories. Instead, each project in Redmine may be configured to have links to one or more svn repositories. These repositories may reside on any server in the world that is visible by the server where Redmine is installed.
If you are able to see your repositories by svn client you will see them from Redmine too.

An example in my practice: I use TortoiseSVN for everyday commit/checkout/update operations and Redmine for code reviews and browsing source files.
