


Installing Plugins on Windows

Added by francesco coan almost 12 years ago

Dear Users,

I want to use Redmine to manage the production of the studio, but I am having very hard time in installing the plugins that would make the whole system more flexible and easy to use.
Below you can find a quick report of the step I followed to instal the "clipboard image paste" plugin.
Thanks to all of you in advance for the tips and precious advices.


Replies (9)

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

Please copy the report directly in a reply to your post. It will be easier to read it.

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by francesco coan almost 12 years ago

Dear Users,

I want to use Redmine to manage the production of the studio, but I am having very hard time in installing the plugins that would make the whole system more flexible and easy to use.
Below you can find a quick report of the step I followed to instal the "clipboard image paste" plugin.
Thanks to all of you in advance for the tips and precious advices.


I am using Bitnamy Redmine 2.3.0 on Windows 64 bit

  1. Download and unzip plugin in the following folder.
    C:\BitNami\redmine-2.3.0-0\apps\redmine\htdocs\plugins (see picture01 attached)
    Is that the right folder?
  2. At this point, following the guidelines at this address ( I should run the following command from the windows prompt window
    rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
    But actually I don’t know from which folder I have to run this command or if I need further software installed on my machine.
    I typed the command in the prompt from the root as from the plugins folder as from the very plugin folder (in this case clipboard_image_paste-master) and other location that I found typing the word “rake” or “rails” but I always got the message in the picture below

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by Ivan Cenov almost 12 years ago

First thing I saw was the bad name of the plugin directory.

must become
'-master' is appended by github so as to mark the branch it is downloaded from.

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by francesco coan almost 12 years ago

Yup... it works indeed. Thanks for the useful hint.
So apparently I didn't have to go trough the part invoking the prompt command typing, did I?
Is it usually simple like that?

Thanks again :)

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by hari gowtham about 11 years ago

still i get this error i tried "redcase" plug in plz help me

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by Mark Whitfeld over 10 years ago

Hopefully this helps someone else...
I was also getting the 'bundler/setup' error.
All I needed to do was set the GEM_PATH environment variable.
I ran the following in the command line (from the root Redmine folder) before trying to rake:


RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by Denis Izac almost 10 years ago

I have a problem with rake, following picture, somebody help-me?

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by Leonel Iturralde almost 10 years ago

do you have the same problem that is mentioned before 'bundler/setup' error?
the red line in the image covers one line of the windows cmd.

RE: Installing Plugins on Windows - Added by Gi ramos over 7 years ago

Hello Ivan

I need to add this plugin (TESTLINK) to the redmain.
Please I have the plugion TESTLINK, BUT I DON´T KNOW HOW TO ADD.

