


How to avoid several copies of one Rack process

Added by Leonid E about 11 years ago


I have a problem with Rack process

In ~5 minutes after process restarts I see:

232892 0.0109.8M Rack: /home/user/webapps/redmine23/redmine
585067 6.1102.4M Rack: /home/user/webapps/redmine23/redmine
585584 4.3 92.6M Rack: /home/user/webapps/redmine23/redmine

nginx.conf consists:

    server {
        listen             18923;
        passenger_enabled  on;
        passenger_min_instances 1;
        root               /home/user/webapps/redmine23/redmine/public;
        server_name        localhost;
        passenger_spawn_method conservative;
        client_max_body_size 50M;
        client_body_buffer_size 128k;

But setting up passenger_spawn_method conservative; doesn't help to avoid copies of the same process.

Could you tell me how I can limit process

Rack: /home/user/webapps/redmine23/redmine

for single one with only 120 Mb?


Replies (3)

RE: How to avoid several copies of one Rack process - Added by Leonid E about 11 years ago

Hay Jan,

I already have tried


but I've got
nginx: [emerg] "passenger_max_pool_size" directive is not allowed here in /home/yeleleo/webapps/redmine23/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:21

I just need to know how to configure nginx.conf

RE: How to avoid several copies of one Rack process - Added by Mischa The Evil about 11 years ago

The passenger_max_pool_size directive is only allowed in the http configuration block. I guess you've placed it in the server config block...
