


deny file download for anonymous user

Added by Richard Rauch almost 11 years ago

Hi All,

I want to grant public access for projects. everybody should be able to read contents like Wiki and so on, doesn't matter if logged in our not.
But I want to restict the file download/view in FILE tab.
If somebody wants to download files, he should be at least registered and logged in.

I know the permission settings in the Role Manager. If I uncheck "View Files" permission, the "File" Tab is disabled at all.
But I want to show the file list. The user should know, what he could download, if registered.

Has anybody a solution or an idea how to implement this?


Replies (4)

RE: deny file download for anonymous user - Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 11 years ago

Hi, Richard!

You can use Download button plugin. It won't unhide your file list but at least will render "Register to download"...


RE: deny file download for anonymous user - Added by Richard Rauch almost 11 years ago

Hi Andriy,

Sure? I am using this plugin already in a public project. I tried right now to click the button, when I am not logged in. But it works without asking anything.


RE: deny file download for anonymous user - Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 11 years ago

Richard Rauch wrote:

Sure? I am using this plugin already in a public project. I tried right now to click the button, when I am not logged in. But it works without asking anything.

Hm... If you have unchecked the "View Files" permission, it should ask for registration. Otherwise you have found a bug in the plugin!

RE: deny file download for anonymous user - Added by Richard Rauch almost 11 years ago

ok, now I understand your intention. I should uncheck "View Files" permission and enable access to a file by usage of download button. Yes, this could be a solution, if I want to manage access to a single file only
