


Auth. problems against Samba 4 AD

Added by Anonymous almost 11 years ago


i'm very new to redmine and this forum.

My actually running Redmine Installation authenticate users against an Active Directory Server (Win 2008 R2). Everything is in good conditions.

Now, i set up a new Samba 4 as DC in the same domain like the Windows ADS. It seems to be in good conditions, too.
When i change the LDAP-Authentication in Redmine to the new IP-Address, than is authenticating impossible?! "Wrong Username or password." Testing this new LDAP-Connection in Redmine is successful.

Have i have to change something in this LDAP-Informations for Samba4 Authentications?

Name * Domain
Host * (Windows ADS)
Port * 389
Konto Administrator
Kennwort passw0rd
Base DN * DC=intranet,DC=domain,DC=de

Mitgliedsname sAMAccountName
Vorname givenName
Nachname sN
E-Mail mail

Thanks in advance,

Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
Redmine version 2.2.2.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.11
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2

Replies (3)

RE: Auth. problems against Samba 4 AD - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 11 years ago

I can't tell much about such a setup and configuration, but it might be something more general. An LDAP account alone is not enough to be able to login into Redmine using LDAP. Redmine users need to exist too. See:

RE: Auth. problems against Samba 4 AD - Added by Anonymous almost 11 years ago

Hmm, all the users are set up in the backend of Redmine.
Check On-The-Fly User creation doesn't work.

Now i have change the LDAP-Configuration for "Account" from Administrator to DOMAIN\Administrator and the production.log tell's me:

Started POST "/redmine/login" for at 2013-10-23 13:23:31 +0200
Processing by AccountController#login as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=", "back_url"=>"",
 "username"=>"ako", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"Anmelden »"}
  Current user: anonymous
Successful authentication for 'ako' from at 2013-10-23 11:23:31 UTC
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 150ms (ActiveRecord: 8.0ms)
Started GET "/redmine/login" for at 2013-10-23 13:23:31 +0200
Processing by AccountController#login as HTML
  Current user: ako (id=13)
  Rendered account/login.html.erb within layouts/base (1.7ms)
Completed 200 OK in 28ms (Views: 17.9ms | ActiveRecord: 6.8ms)

Why Redmine redirect me to the login-page? And what is about the "Current user: anonymous"?

RE: Auth. problems against Samba 4 AD - Added by Anonymous almost 11 years ago

Ok, i have change the Configuration/Homepage field and now after login, Redmine redirect me to MyPage.
It looks like, that everything is well done now.

Thanks Mischa!
