


Attaching files results in a 500 error

Added by Christopher Harwood about 11 years ago

Whenever I attach a file to a Redmine Issue (or elsewhere) on our installation (2.2.3.stable), it leads to Redmine's 500 error page.

I have followed recommendations from RedmineInstall, 500 error when upload files and documents, and 500 error when upload files and documents without success. I have also banged my head against the Passenger user switching business for awhile.

It occurs to me that this might be a firewall issue, but I cannot determine what protocol and port Redmine uses to process attachment or other file uploads. Is #8817 related to this issue? I too have a red exclamation mark icon following "Plugin assets directory writable" on Redmine's Information page.

Thanks for any help that anyone can provide!

Replies (1)

RE: Attaching files results in a 500 error - Added by Christopher Harwood about 11 years ago

Cloned our Redmine VM to an Amazon host and we still see the 500 error when trying to upload files to the clone. That suggests to me that this is not a firewall issue, but something in Redmine or Debian. Still plugging away at this when I can.
