


How to upgrade from 1.1.3 to 2.5.0 and at the same time migrate to a new server?

Added by Anders Bohlin over 10 years ago


I have Redmine 1.1.3 (with mysql) installed on a server here which we are planning to decomission, i. e. I need to move this installation to a new machine. At the same time I want to upgrade Redmine to version 2.5.0. Any ideas or recommendations on how to go about this?

Best regards, Anders

Replies (4)

RE: How to upgrade from 1.1.3 to 2.5.0 and at the same time migrate to a new server? - Added by Robert Schneider over 10 years ago

I would copy the existing instance to the new machine, so that it works with the old version, and then do the upgrade. I think you cannot mix the moving with the upgrading.

RE: How to upgrade from 1.1.3 to 2.5.0 and at the same time migrate to a new server? - Added by Anders Bohlin over 10 years ago

What I´ve done so far has been:

On the new machine

  1. Install Apache2 (Apache 2.2.22, apt-get....)
  2. Install Ruby (Ruby 1.9.3, apt-get...)
  3. Install Rails (Rails 3.2.0, gem install rails)
  4. Install Passenger (Passenger 4.0.40, gem install passenger)
  5. Install Apache Passenger module (passenger-install-apache2-module)
  6. Install MySQL (MySQL 5.5.35, apt-get ....)
  7. Install mysql adapter (gem install mysql2)
  8. Create empty database:
    CREATE USER 'redmine''localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redmine.* TO 'redmine'
  9. Download Redmine 2.5.0 and untar to /opt/redmine
  10. Install Bundler (gem install bundler)
  11. cd /opt/redmine and execute bundle install --without development test
  12. Import previously exported/dumped 1.1.3 Redmine database (mysql -u root -p pwd redmine < dumpfilename.sql) into the empty database.
  13. Copy the /opt/redmine/files directory from the old machine to /opt/redmine/files on the new machine
  14. Configure the database connection (/opt/redmine/config/database.yml)
  15. Create database structure and configuration (cd to /opt/redmine first):
    RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
    RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data
  16. Modify ownership and file permissions on some of the subdirectories in /opt/redmine

I´ve also installed a new version of Subversion on the same machine and managed to connect from Redmine.

So far everyhing seems to be working fine. It would be interesting though to have some feedback on the steps outlined above.


RE: How to upgrade from 1.1.3 to 2.5.0 and at the same time migrate to a new server? - Added by Enmos Proje over 10 years ago

I did almost the same things except I've installed the latest Bitnami Redmine Stack.

Now my problem is a little bit outside of the boundaries. I can't make the old svn url file:///home/svn to work as my new path file:///home/user/svn. I don't want to change the project repo url's to the new url if there isn't a global editing mechanism (We have nearly 130 projects). Btw the URL editing box is grayed out for my administrator user on redmine.

How can I tell linux/apache/svn ??? to look at file:///home/user/svn when it's told to look at file:///home/svn?

RE: How to upgrade from 1.1.3 to 2.5.0 and at the same time migrate to a new server? - Added by Robert Schneider over 10 years ago

15. Create database structure and configuration (cd to /opt/redmine first):
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data

I think here you don't create the structure, rather you migrate the db. That means all data will be adopted (new tables, columns or whatever) so that it can be used with the new version. The database was already created when you set up version 1.1.3.

load_default_data shouldn't be necessary because you have already done this with the version 1.1.3. This old data already contained the default data. At least the default data that was present in this old version. Not sure if there was further data added since then. Though, it didn't cause problems as it seems.
