


how to config redmine run as apache virtual directory?

Added by Mine Red about 10 years ago

Hi all,
now i have a redmine instance running on 3000 port, now i want change this instance run as http://webserver/redmine, there have a apache service running on my server(on 80 port), i want use apache reverse proxy function to access redmine, could you please help me on this question? thanks!

Replies (1)

RE: how to config redmine run as apache virtual directory? - Added by Mine Red about 10 years ago

i found a sloution:
1, command for redmine start:
thin start -e production -p 3000 --prefix /redmine

2, setup proxy on apache:
ProxyPass /redmine http://localhost:3000/redmine
ProxyPassReverse /redmine http://localhost:3000/redmine

done, just for other redmine users reference.
