


Task History Updated Dates

Added by Steve Amerige over 9 years ago

Hi all,

I've just joined the group and have one introductory question I've been using Redmine for a few months now and as I edit a task, I see the results of the entries shown as:


Updated by <person> about 1 month ago
... <details>

Updated by <person> 4 days ago
... <details>

Updated by <person> about 8 hours ago
... <details>

Updated by <person> 10 minutes ago
... <details>

The date strings are all shown as relative time. I can hover over them to see the absolute time, but I'd rather see just the opposite: I'd rather see the absolute time and (maybe) have the hover effect show the relative time. It is useful for copy/paste of the history to be able to capture the absolute time. Other than that, I just have a preference to see the absolute time. That is, I'd rather see:


Updated by <person> 11/20/2014 11:06
... <details>

Updated by <person> 01/14/2015 08:17
... <details>

Updated by <person> 01/17/2015 12:46
... <details>

Updated by <person> 01/17/2015 20:11
... <details>

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Steve Amerige

Ruby version: 2.1.1p76
Linux version: CentOS 6.5 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64
MySQL version: 5.5.37

Replies (4)

RE: Task History Updated Dates - Added by Mischa The Evil over 9 years ago

Steve Amerige wrote:

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Yes, and it can be done pretty easily using some CSS like:

a[href*="activity"][title*=":"]:before {
  content: ' [' attr(title) '] ';

in a theme. Note that this works (with modern browsers) on all datetime links to activity pages.



RE: Task History Updated Dates - Added by Steve Amerige over 9 years ago

Hi Mischa,

Thank you very much... it did the trick!

Steve Amerige

RE: Task History Updated Dates - Added by Anonymous over 9 years ago

Can someone please explain how to make this change ?
Which files to change etc..

Thanks !!
