


Quick Question

Added by Jasen Burkett over 9 years ago

Here is the situation.

There is a form that is already being used for other issue creation.

I am going to have an email sent out to redmine when a new ticket is made, but I am having to match up the current form fields to the ones that redmine wants to see.

Most of which I can just use a hidden field and pull in data from specific fields that are existing, but there is the issue of who to assign the ticket to, and who are the watchers.

I need to know if for the 'assignee' (it does not say assigned to for some reason why is that? ) to be either a list of people and or to be one specific person. And how would I specifiy this in the email body? (ie. Assigned to: name, or assigned_to: name)

the watchers is not really that big of a deal, I think I can just simply list all 10 email addresses in the cc: field of the email that is being created? is that correct? or is it better to put them in the from location?

Thanks in advance.

Replies (2)

RE: Quick Question - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 9 years ago

Jasen Burkett wrote:

There is a form that is already being used for other issue creation.

A form in redmine?

I am going to have an email sent out to redmine when a new ticket is made, but I am having to match up the current form fields to the ones that redmine wants to see.

I'm not sure I understand: You'd like to send an email to redmine when a new ticket is made? If you enter a ticket in redmine, the data is already contained therein - or do you use another software as a ticketing application?

I need to know if for the 'assignee' (it does not say assigned to for some reason why is that? )

Where does it say so?

how would I specifiy this in the email body? (ie. Assigned to: name, or assigned_to: name)

You are looking for RedmineReceivingEmails...

the watchers is not really that big of a deal, I think I can just simply list all 10 email addresses in the cc: field of the email that is being created? is that correct? or is it better to put them in the from location?

I'm sorry but that's out of scope for the redmine forums. It is unrelated to redmine how you configure the email system that accepts a mail from your other ticketing application and sends it to an account that redmine reads.

All said under the assumption that I understood your question in the first place :-)

RE: Quick Question - Added by Jasen Burkett over 9 years ago

Currently redmine internal ticket creation works fine, i am also able to email and create a ticket also.

With the idea of being able to email into redmine system to create a ticket, there is a form that was created and when the form is filled out, we have the email that is built via php sending the exact same email as if we were sending it through gmail or macmail etc.

When you create the ticket in redmine for instance. It says Assignee... I am assuming you would pick who the ticket is created for to be chosen there right? I would like to change the wording from Assignee, to Assigned to..

I am not very good at asking questions, I know what I am trying to say, but it just does not come out clear lol.

Anyway, thank you and any others who have read the questions I had above and attempting to help. I appreciate it.
