


how to automatically update one of repository file

Added by Kevin Cao over 9 years ago

I am a redmine newbie.I have a request for help:
1.Suggest I have A,B,C,three projects.
2.Every project have a same file(etc.test.exe).
3.This test.exe maintenance by user a,and the test.exe code is not in redmine repository.

Is there a way that if user a upload new version of test.exe to redmine, and the three A,B,C projects can be automatically updated?

Replies (2)

RE: how to automatically update one of repository file - Added by Ivan Cenov over 9 years ago

This is not up to Redmine, but to the repository server, I think...
Usualy, it is possible to write a script that will be activated when a commit is done. This script can (par example) export committed file and copy it to where you want).

RE: how to automatically update one of repository file - Added by Kevin Cao over 9 years ago

I see.Thanks a lot.If I want to develop this,I think it need
1. Develop a redmine plugin, it can upload file and call script to commit destination file to repository.
2. Develop script for git to auto commit.

I know how to develop redmine plugin, but I don't know which script can do this for git ubuntu server?
