HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter
Added by Евгений Батищев almost 16 years ago
About your application's environment Ruby version 1.8.6 (i386-linux) RubyGems version 1.3.1 Rails version 2.1.2 Active Record version 2.1.2 Action Pack version 2.1.2 Active Resource version 2.1.2 Action Mailer version 2.1.2 Active Support version 2.1.2 Application root /opt/redmine Environment development Database adapter mysql
Hi all
HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter ?
Replies (6)
RE: HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter - Added by Евгений Батищев almost 16 years ago
Highlighter not working
<? $oUser=$oRouter->User_GetUserCurrent(); if (Router::GetIsShowStats() and $oUser and $oUser->isAdministrator()) { ?>
RE: HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 16 years ago
GeSHi is a PHP project, and Redmine is a Ruby/Rails project... You won't be able to support GeSHi in Redmine unless you do very hacky things, and I'm pretty sure it will never be in Redmine core, it's not a good idea. Redmine uses CodeRay to do syntax highligting, and I think it is regularly updated in Redmine, maybe php syntax highlighting will be improved soon ?
RE: HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter - Added by Евгений Батищев almost 16 years ago
HowTo Highlight php code using it CodeRay ??
RE: HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 16 years ago
PHP code highlighting is not very well supported (see redmine trunk, the comment is quite clear on the revision which added php highlighting : r1070). In theory you just have to add "code" tags arround your code, with class="php", but you're right, it doesn't work very well (a bug is opened : #2575)
RE: HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter - Added by Евгений Батищев almost 16 years ago
css mysql?
RE: HowTo add GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter - Added by Евгений Батищев almost 16 years ago
.footer { margin-top: 8em; padding: 0.5em 1em 0.5em; border: 1px solid; border-width: 1px 0; clear: both; border-color: rgb(30%,30%,50%) navy rgb(75%,80%,85%) navy; background: rgb(88%,90%,92%); font-size: 80%; }