


Not exactly sure where I'm stuck but the redmine page won't load [Linux CentOS install]

Added by dah woo about 9 years ago

Hello All, sorry that I could not be a bit more descriptive. Hopefully with the information below and some questions from you all, you might be able to help me move forward with this install.

I'm trying to install Redmine 3.0.3 on a CentOS on a dynamic server. You can see exactly what I am getting by browsing to the URL [[]]. I have installed Redmine on a local machine before and the message I'm getting is one that I see when I occasionally install a plugin that is not compatible with the version of redmine I'm running. however this is a fresh install.

I just started the install yesterday evening and was following this tut [[]]

Everything went fairly smoothly but the page won't load. I did not bother with setting up email (figure I'd circle back to that later) and I had an issue with the ip6tables.

One thing I think I may have done incorrectly was changed the default passwords shown in the tut and put in my actual passwords. Thinking about it now I don't think I should have done this, and I am circling back through to see if I can correct some of those issues (it was late. command line should never be done when you're tired ;).

But any help in what I should take a look at in the meantime would be appreciated. Thanks all
