


Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files

Added by Powen Shiah almost 16 years ago

We've been using Redmine for around a month now, but I still am not sure I understand what the distinct uses for Files is as opposed to Documents. They're set up completely differently. So what is the purpose of the "File" module? You can't annotate any information to the files, and you can attach files to Documents, Issues, Wiki pages, etc.

Documents appears to be like the Wiki, except without version-tracking.

I'd appreciate any light anyone can shed, even if it's just an explanation of how you use the different modules.


Replies (10)

RE: Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files - Added by David McCan almost 16 years ago

I found this link:

to summarize - files are put up for download and documents are notes, instructions, specs, etc.

RE: Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago

Powen Shiah wrote:

I'd appreciate any light anyone can shed, even if it's just an explanation of how you use the different modules.

Have you seen


RE: Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files - Added by Powen Shiah almost 16 years ago


I did try searching, somehow didn't manage to unearth either of those links.

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RE: Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files - Added by Dmitry Pashkevich over 12 years ago

I understand the difference between Documents and Files, but not quite the difference between Documents and Wiki. They are VERY similar, both seem to have the same text editing capabilities. I'm confused when to use which.

RE: Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

Dmitry Pashkevich wrote:

[...] but not quite the difference between Documents and Wiki. They are VERY similar, both seem to have the same text editing capabilities. I'm confused when to use which.

Wiki pages (textilized) content is versioned, documents itself aren't. AFAICS you should see documents as holding entities for (static) notes, instructions, specs, etc (e.g. PDF's) which have a category (documents category enumeration), title (required), (textilized) description and can hold one or more attachments and which each can be displayed in order of category, date, title and author.

RE: Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files - Added by Dmitry Pashkevich over 12 years ago

Thanks for detailed explanation, Mischa! Only as I see, wiki pages can hold file attachments too...

Now I see the differences between the two but don't see a practical use of such functionality separation, it feels like both can benefit from unification. It's great that documents can be displayed by category, date,title, etc. but it sounds bad that they're unversioned. In real life, the docs get updated in almost all cases (everything you've mentioned - notes, specs, instructions etc).

So I'd rather stick with wiki all the time but would appreciate real world workflow examples from people that use Documents.

RE: Understanding the difference between Documents, Wiki, and Files - Added by @ go2null over 12 years ago

Adding the link to the feature request (Feature #991) for versioning documents.
