


Email notifications does not work for issue creator via mail

Added by Marc Schlagkamp almost 8 years ago


a user sends an issue via email. lets call that user tom.
redmine creates tom's account. tom is not a member of group.

redmine creates the issue from mail and assigns it to a group - Helpdesk.
issue creaor is tom.

all group members of Helpdesk receive the notifications from now on all but not tom.
even when hes added as a watcher. he also didnt get a issue created notification.

but tom should gets the notifications about changes and so on...

what did i miss?


Replies (2)

RE: Email notifications does not work for issue creator via mail - Added by Djordjije Crni almost 8 years ago

In Administration -> Settings -> Email Notifications, check "Default notification option", "Issue addeed" and "Issue updated". Also check Tom's personal email notifications settings.
