


"Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List

Added by Frédéric Chauvière almost 8 years ago


I have a multiple values Custom Field formated as List called "Module" (to select one are several internal modules that are impacted by my Issue), but when looking at my Issues table, in the Options, I can add "Module" as a Selected Columns, but the "Module" column is not sortable (no link on the column header text), and "Module" is not available in the "Group results by" option.

Did we do something wrong, or is it a specific limitation of Redmine on that particular type od data (multiple values Custom Field formated as List) ?


Replies (8)

RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 8 years ago

Frédéric Chauvière wrote:

Did we do something wrong, or is it a specific limitation of Redmine on that particular type od data (multiple values Custom Field formated as List) ?

You don't do something wrong. Multi-select custom fields are, by design, not sortable nor groupable. See the following tests:

RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Frédéric Chauvière almost 8 years ago

Thanks Misha.
When you say "by design", do you mean it's a conceptual limitation, or a practical one due to development constraint? Because i can't find an objective reason why you should not be able to sort by a Multiple Value field (as long as you considered it as a "string") : maybe Grouping is a little more tricky as record could be place in different groups, but technically, it could be displayed by group too...
I'm asking, because in our model an issue can affect several modules of your software, so we create a Multiple Value field to flag wich modules will be affected by the fix of the issue. But after that, it's a pain in th @$$ to list issues affecting a specific module... and it should'nt ! So we have to export our global results in Excel, and use macros to regroup our issues by module...

RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 8 years ago

Frédéric Chauvière wrote:

When you say "by design", do you mean it's a conceptual limitation, or a practical one due to development constraint?

What I meant with "by design" in this context is that it is the expected behavior of Redmine and that this expectation is confirmed in the tests; the current implementation is "not (yet) designed" with support for sorting and grouping of these custom fields.

I'm asking, because in our model an issue can affect several modules of your software, so we create a Multiple Value field to flag wich modules will be affected by the fix of the issue. But after that, it's a pain in th @$$ to list issues affecting a specific module... and it should'nt ! So we have to export our global results in Excel, and use macros to regroup our issues by module...

Well, the listing of issues affecting a specific module shouldn't be a problem using the custom field filter which does work well with multiple-value fields. The thing in your case is that you are missing the sorting and grouping capabilities of regular single-value fields, which seems to me a valid use-case that is - at least - worth a feature request (I did a quick lookup and didn't find a similar request in the issue pool)...

RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Frédéric Chauvière almost 8 years ago

Thanks for the filter tip, it works really nice.
It actually doesn't fit directly my primary need (have to set 12 successives filters for my 12 modules to isolate each one of them), but it's an effective way around it ! (better than export to Excel).
But I surely write a feature request in the future. I wish I coud help you guys, but I'm definitely not a ruby developer...
Thanks again for your help Misha !

RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 8 years ago

Just for the record: also note that the filters itself also allow multiple values by using the small '+'-button next to the values element, and with the custom field column itself it might suffice your needs although then your need to sort on that field re-arises...

RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Amir Sepahram about 7 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

.... which seems to me a valid use-case that is - at least - worth a feature request (I did a quick lookup and didn't find a similar request in the issue pool)...


I have the same issue. I'm putting RACI model in place and need multiple-valued field for issue's Responsible. So, I definitely need sorting and grouping on the field.

It appears no one has issued the feature. Have you guys found a workaround? Or do I just go ahead and request the feature?


RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Frédéric Chauvière about 7 years ago

We're in the middle of the migration to a newer release of Redmine (3.4.2), I haven't done a lot of test yet, but it seems that sorting is now available on my Multi-select custom fields, I did not have time to see if it was working properly and how the grouping is behaving.

PS: the column header is "sortable" (blue link and the arrow), but the sort is not working properly, and the column is not available for grouping...

RE: "Sort" and "Group Results by" not available on multiple values Custom Field formated as List - Added by Amir Sepahram over 6 years ago


Any news on this?
I hoped you were going to work on this after, "3.4.2" and I recently upgraded to "3.4.5.stable".
Sort on multiple value fields still doesn't' work properly and Group By is not there yet.

Any plans?
