


Adding an existing Repository

Added by Jochen Ferchland about 7 years ago

I' trying to add an existing SVN Repository to a new Project, but I'm not able to add it.
I select:

SCM: Subversion
Main repository: Checked (is that right???)
URL: I enter the same path as I do in Visual Studio
Login: A SVN known Login
PW: ***

So I click ok. When I then go to the main tab "Repository" I get an error:
404 - The entry or revision was not fond in the repository

Could anybody please tell me what is wrong in my configuration?

Replies (7)

RE: Adding an existing Repository - Added by Tatsuya Saito about 7 years ago

Jochen Ferchland wrote:

Main repository: Checked (is that right???)

No problem.


Redmine notes following.

Length between 1 and 255 characters. Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.
Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed.

URL: I enter the same path as I do in Visual Studio

Can you access that URL from your browser?

RE: Adding an existing Repository - Added by Jochen Ferchland about 7 years ago

Yes and no. My URL is
If I enter this to the browser it tells me it's not safe to enter the page [...]
If I accept, I can open the page.
Without https (http) I can't access the repository.

RE: Adding an existing Repository - Added by Tatsuya Saito about 7 years ago

Jochen Ferchland wrote:

Yes and no. My URL is
If I enter this to the browser it tells me it's not safe to enter the page [...]

The URL maybe don't use certified SSL. It's not permitted on Redmine.
See #11343 or #5236 .

I hope that is helpful.

RE: Adding an existing Repository - Added by Jochen Ferchland about 7 years ago

None of both solutions work on my system.
This is very strange cause both systems (Redmine & SVN) are running on the same Server???
Any other ideas?

RE: Adding an existing Repository - Added by Tatsuya Saito about 7 years ago

Did you check production.log? Nothing error or warning on the log?

RE: Adding an existing Repository - Added by Jochen Ferchland about 7 years ago

The log shows:

Started GET "/redmine/projects/kpnt_ui/repository" for at 2017-06-29 07:09:48 +0200
Processing by RepositoriesController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"id"=>"kpnt_ui"}
  Current user: Jochen (id=5)
Error parsing svn output: No close tag for /lists/list
Line: 4
Position: 110
Last 80 unconsumed characters:

Output was:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  Rendered common/error.html.erb within layouts/base (0.0ms)
Completed 404 Not Found in 1313ms (Views: 25.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

In this request I changed the URL of the Repository to localhost instead of the IP. If I change it back to the IP the same thing happens.

I found something on Error_parsing_svn_output but I don't understand what that means.
I am running a Bitnami installation. I did install TortoiseSVN also on the server just to be able to accept the certificate permanently.
But how can I do the following?:

Note for Bitnami Redmine installation on Windows
The Redmine servers(Thin for versions > 2.0] by default run under the System account and this does not work wrong SSL certificate for SVN server. The solution is to change the process account for a service user with logon privilege, connect to SVN and accept permanently the certificate for that user. Don't forget to change the user for the two Thin or Mongrel services running in load balancing.

RE: Adding an existing Repository - Added by Jochen Ferchland about 7 years ago

I found a solution:
Instead of the IP Address I used the DNS name of the server and it worked directly.
