Help me find in the Ruby code when the task is updated
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
I'm not Ruby's programmer. For a week now I have been trying to make a complete migration from the MantisBT system.
Almost all the mistakes were corrected. But there was one problem - the dates for updated_on issue are not copied. Rather, they are somewhere re-recorded again. And I can not find this place!
Here is the link to the original code: source:/trunk/lib/tasks/migrate_from_mantis.rake@16685#L305
There are many modifications, but here is the specific moment:
# Bugs
print "Migrating bugs"
issues_map = {}
keep_bug_ids = (Issue.count == 0)
MantisBug.find_each(:batch_size => 200) do |bug|
next unless projects_map[bug.project_id] && users_map[bug.reporter_id]
i = :project_id => projects_map[bug.project_id],
:subject => encode(bug.summary),
:description => encode(bug.bug_text.full_description),
:priority => PRIORITY_MAPPING[bug.priority] || DEFAULT_PRIORITY,
:created_on => bug.date_submitted,
:updated_on => bug.last_updated = User.find_by_id(users_map[bug.reporter_id])
i.category = IssueCategory.find_by_project_id_and_name(i.project_id, bug.category[0,30]) unless bug.category.blank?
i.fixed_version = Version.find_by_project_id_and_name(i.project_id, bug.fixed_in_version) unless bug.fixed_in_version.blank?
i.tracker = (bug.severity == 10 ? TRACKER_FEATURE : TRACKER_BUG)
i.status = STATUS_MAPPING[bug.status] || i.status = if keep_bug_ids
next unless
issues_map[] =
print '.'
Line 315 and 316 do not work (:created_on => bug.date_submitted, and :updated_on => bug.last_updated.) Comment on.
After linenext unless
insert:i.created_on =
It work!
insert next line:i.updated_on =
It work only next iteration. To the line 358 (source:trunk/lib/tasks/migrate_from_mantis.rake@16685#L358)
In DataBase save DateNow instead last_updated
Please, help!
Replies (4)
RE: Help me find in the Ruby code when the task is updated
Added by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago
This is yet another problem (see previous thread: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted). This is a more tough one though. MantisBT "migrated away from DATETIME fields to integer timestamps for timezone usage" with 1.2.01 and up. We've found another breaking change that makes the import/migration rake task in this case in-compatible with MantisBT 1.2.0 and up for sure.
1 source: release-announcement, MantisBT 1.2.0 Released.
RE: Help me find in the Ruby code when the task is updated
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
- created a new field (via phpMyAdmin) updated_on_New (copy of updated_on)
- Changed the code like this:
# Bugs print "Migrating bugs" Issue.destroy_all issues_map = {} keep_bug_ids = (Issue.count == 0) MantisBug.find_each(:batch_size => 200) do |bug| next unless projects_map[bug.project_id] && users_map[bug.reporter_id] i = :project_id => projects_map[bug.project_id], :subject => encode(bug.summary), :description => encode(bug.bug_text.full_description), :priority => PRIORITY_MAPPING[bug.priority] || DEFAULT_PRIORITY = User.find_by_id(users_map[bug.reporter_id]) i.category = IssueCategory.find_by_project_id_and_name(i.project_id, bug.category[0,30]) unless bug.category.blank? i.fixed_version = Version.find_by_project_id_and_name(i.project_id, bug.fixed_in_version) unless bug.fixed_in_version.blank? i.tracker = (bug.severity == 10 ? TRACKER_FEATURE : TRACKER_BUG) i.status = STATUS_MAPPING[bug.status] || i.status = if keep_bug_ids next unless i.created_on = i.updated_on_New = i.closed_on = issues_map[] = print '.' STDOUT.flush
- After migration, deleted the old field of updated_on
- Rename updated_on_New to updated_on
- Profit! :)
RE: Help me find in the Ruby code when the task is updated
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
There are several problems that I solved on my own. I do not think they are perfect, but they work.
1. Project identifier. If my project is called "СССР", and the other "СШАП", then the "СССР" will win, because it was the first in the list for migration. Its identifier is "----". The СШАП also has a ----, and it does not migrate.
def identifier
read_attribute(:name).downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-]+/, '-').slice(0, Project::IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH)
I did this:
# Projects
print "Migrating projects"
projects_map = {}
versions_map = {}
categories_map = {}
MantisProject.all.each do |project|
p = :name => encode(,
:description => encode(project.description)
p.identifier = "mantis_proj" + rand(10000).to_s
next unless
projects_map[] =
p.enabled_module_names = ['issue_tracking', 'news', 'wiki']
p.trackers << TRACKER_BUG unless p.trackers.include?(TRACKER_BUG)
p.trackers << TRACKER_FEATURE unless p.trackers.include?(TRACKER_FEATURE)
print '.'
2. Part of the corrections is taken from:
This is correct project categories and project hierarchies.
3. I corrected the line with the author of the files
# Bug files
bug.bug_files.each do |file|
a = :created_on =>
a.file = file = User.find_by_id(users_map[file.user_id])
a.container = i
4. After the interruption (by error or cancel) of the code execution, the database has to be cleaned manually. Here is the problem in error Project.destroy_all
Problem with e-mail error of the administrator is solved as in the code:
admin_user = "admin"
user_admin = User.find_by_login(admin_user)
EmailAddress.delete_all "user_id <> #{}"
User.delete_all "login <> 'admin'"
"That's All I Have To Say About That" Forrest Gump(c)
RE: Help me find in the Ruby code when the task is updated
Added by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago
Artiom Shurupov wrote:
I solved the problem like this:
- Profit! :)
Nice that it worked out well. As the same as with the other issue, this has been part of several other issues and patches already: #13407, #14969, #18496, #18984.
Be aware, that other things might be broken too. Just check your data carefully, these scripts don't seem supported for newer upstream releases these days.