


Problem accessing Redmine with email link

Added by Maxime Marques almost 7 years ago

There is a problem with my Redmine project. When receiving a notification, the link referencing to the ticket is wrong.

For example, this is the link i should have for ticket XXXX : https://newerp.vigie.aerolia.corp/issues/XXXX

And this is the link i have from an email notification : http://newerp.vigie.aerolia.corp/issues/XXXX#change-19724
And this one is not working, i have to correct protocol (https) and remove "#change-19724".

Can you help me pls ? This appeared there is one week and i didn't have this problem before.

Replies (1)

RE: Problem accessing Redmine with email link - Added by Bernhard Rohloff almost 7 years ago

Hi Maxime
Please check your Redmine settings...

On the tab "General" you can choose the protocol Redmine should use for links.

On the tab "Email notification" there are several options for notifications.
If the option "Note added" is enabled, Redmine generates a direct link to the added note. So you don't have to scroll all the way down.
It seems to me, your notifications work as designed.


