


How to connect html page and wiki?

Added by i g over 5 years ago

I need to connect html page and wiki redmine page. I understand that I need to upload html somewhere, so I guess that will be Repository. But I don`t know how to get direct link to that html page from Wiki? By direct I mean, when I click on link in wiki I will get opened html in new tab? I know how to make link to the Repository, but I don`t know hot to make link with which I can get opened html in new tab?

Also, when I am working with html it it necessary to upload html and additional folder, which I get when export my document in html, or only html page is enough?

Replies (3)

RE: How to connect html page and wiki? - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago

As I understand your question and please correct me if I'm wrong, you would like to host a webpage somewhere and create a link to this page in your Redmine wiki.

So for hosting you page you need a separate server for example Apache. You can not upload it directly into Redmine to show it in your browser. Redmine is not designed for that purpose. The Repository module is just like a file browser where you can access files in a git or svn repository or a folder on your server. Once you can access your hosted page you can easily copy your website's URL into the wiki and Redmine creates the link for you.

Kind regards,


RE: How to connect html page and wiki? - Added by i g over 5 years ago

No, I made wrong description of my problem (I am with different username now).

I have html document, it is formed as export from some program in which am working, as export of document in that program. Like export from MS Word document to html.

So, if I want to make link in wiki page to this html document, do I need to attach it to Repository? And how to make link not to Repository, instead I need link which will, when I click on it, open my html document in new tab?

Also, when I am working with html is it necessary to upload html and additional folder which I get as result of export, or only html document is enough?

RE: How to connect html page and wiki? - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago

If your HTML document imports other files like images or stylesheets it's not possible because as I wrote Redmine is no webserver.
Redmine also shows text based documents as plain text. So if you would open your HTML file on the repository you will see your actual markup rather then a rendered page. So IMHO without a separate webserver or extreme changes in Redmine's core I think it's impossible.
