Expected EOL for 3.x series?
Added by Erik Moeller almost 6 years ago
Dear Redmine development team,
At Freedom of the Press Foundation, we use Redmine to provide support to users of SecureDrop (https://securedrop.org/).
Is there already an expected end-of-life (month/year) for the 3.x series? We use some plugins which will need to be patched up as part of the switch to 4.x; knowing how long you expect to maintain the 3.x series would be very useful for planning purposes.
Thanks much for any guidance you can offer!
Erik Moeller
Principal Project Manager
Freedom of the Press Foundation
Replies (4)
RE: Expected EOL for 3.x series?
Added by Hinako Tajima almost 6 years ago
Hi Erik,
The EOL for Redmine 3.4 has not been announced yet, but from the last few years example, maintenance objects are the latest version and the one previous version. (Redmine 3.2 was exceptionally maintained for a long time. )
For instance, the current maintenance objects are the latest version 4.0 and the previous 3.4. The maintenance term for 3.3 was ended with 3.3.9 at the same moment when 4.0.0 was released.
In terms of these principles, I estimate the maintenance term for 3.4 will be finished at the same time when 4.1.0 is released.
Recently 4.1.0 has been actively fixing, I expect it will release within 2019.
From those reasons, I anticipate the maintenance term for 3.4 would be ended during this year.
RE: Expected EOL for 3.x series?
Added by Erik Moeller almost 6 years ago
Thank you, that's very helpful.
I'm especially interested if there's likely to be a 3.5, 3.6, etc., or if there's a concrete plan to retire the 3.x series altogether. (Going from 3 to 4 is what worries us the most in terms of required changes to plugins etc.)
RE: Expected EOL for 3.x series?
Added by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
Erik Moeller wrote:
I'm especially interested if there's likely to be a 3.5, 3.6, etc., or if there's a concrete plan to retire the 3.x series altogether. (Going from 3 to 4 is what worries us the most in terms of required changes to plugins etc.)
Redmine 3.5 will never be released.
As you can see on the roadmap page, Redmine 3.5 is not there and no one is working on developing it. The community is focusing on upcoming Redmine 4.1.
RE: Expected EOL for 3.x series?
Added by Ivan Cenov almost 6 years ago
I think that ruby goes to newer versions, RoR also goes ahead rapidly. So, it would be a loss of time to maintain Redmine 3.x.x. Instead, it would be better to work on changing the plugins.