


Upgrading to 4.0.4

Added by Harry Devine over 5 years ago

We are using version 3.4.5 and are having issues upgrading to 4.0.4. We have a separate folder to test out the installation, and followed the upgrade guide (, but we get errors during the "bundle install" step:

 [ /var/www/html/redmine4]#bundle install --without development test rmagick
Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root
users on this machine.
Your Gemfile lists the gem redmine_crm (>= 0) more than once.
You should probably keep only one of them.
While it's not a problem now, it could cause errors if you change the version of one of them later.
Your Gemfile lists the gem vcard (~> 0.2.8) more than once.
You should probably keep only one of them.
While it's not a problem now, it could cause errors if you change the version of one of them later.
The dependency tzinfo-data (>= 0) will be unused by any of the platforms Bundler is installing for. Bundler is installing for ruby but the dependency is only for x86-mingw32, x64-mingw32, x86-mswin32. To add those platforms to the bundle, run `bundle lock --add-platform x86-mingw32 x64-mingw32 x86-mswin32`.
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies....
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "actionpack":
  In Gemfile:
    actionpack-xml_parser was resolved to 2.0.1, which depends on
      actionpack (>= 5.0)

    activerecord-session_store was resolved to 1.1.3, which depends on
      actionpack (>= 4.0)

    rails (~> 5.2.3) was resolved to 5.2.3, which depends on
      actionpack (= 5.2.3)

    rspec-rails was resolved to 3.8.2, which depends on
      actionpack (>= 3.0)

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "activerecord":
  In Gemfile:
    activerecord-session_store was resolved to 1.1.3, which depends on
      activerecord (>= 4.0)

    awesome_nested_set (~> 3.0.3) was resolved to 3.0.3, which depends on
      activerecord (< 5, >= 4.0.0)

    rails (~> 5.2.3) was resolved to 5.2.3, which depends on
      activerecord (= 5.2.3)

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "capybara":
  In Gemfile:
    capybara (~> 2.13)

    poltergeist was resolved to 1.18.1, which depends on
      capybara (< 4, >= 2.1)

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rails":
  In Gemfile:
    rails (~> 5.2.3)

    redmine_crm was resolved to 0.0.47, which depends on

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rspec":
  In Gemfile:
    rspec (~> 2.0)

    guard-rspec was resolved to 4.7.3, which depends on
      rspec (< 4.0, >= 2.99.0)

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "simplecov":
  In Gemfile:
    simplecov (~> 0.14.1)

    codeclimate-test-reporter was resolved to 1.0.7, which depends on

    simplecov-rcov was resolved to 0.2.3, which depends on
      simplecov (>= 0.4.1)

Here's the current gem list:

 [ /var/www/html/redmine4]#gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actioncable (6.0.0, 5.2.3)
actionmailbox (6.0.0)
actionmailer (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
actionpack (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
actionpack-xml_parser (1.0.2)
actiontext (6.0.0)
actionview (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
activejob (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
activemodel (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
activerecord (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
activerecord-deprecated_finders (1.0.4)
activerecord-session_store (1.1.2)
activestorage (6.0.0, 5.2.3)
activesupport (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
addressable (2.5.2)
arel (9.0.0, 6.0.4)
awesome_nested_set (3.0.3)
bigdecimal (default: 1.3.4)
builder (3.2.3)
bundler (1.16.1)
capybara (3.29.0, 3.0.1, 2.18.0)
chartkick (2.3.4)
childprocess (0.9.0)
cliver (0.3.2)
cmath (default: 1.0.0)
codeclimate-test-reporter (1.0.9)
coderay (1.1.2)
coderay_bash (1.0.7)
coffee-rails (4.2.2)
coffee-script (2.4.1)
coffee-script-source (1.12.2)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.4, 1.0.5)
crass (1.0.4)
css_parser (1.6.0)
csv (default: 1.0.0)
dalli (2.7.8)
database_cleaner (1.6.2)
date (default: 1.0.0)
dbm (default: 1.0.0)
did_you_mean (1.2.0)
diff-lcs (1.3)
docile (1.1.5)
erubi (1.8.0)
erubis (2.7.0)
etc (default: 1.0.0)
execjs (2.7.0)
faraday (0.8.11)
faraday_middleware (0.9.2)
fcntl (default: 1.0.0)
ffi (1.9.23)
fiddle (default: 1.0.0)
fileutils (default: 1.0.2)
formatador (0.2.5)
fuubar (1.3.3)
globalid (0.4.1)
groupdate (4.0.0)
guard (2.14.2)
guard-compat (1.2.1)
guard-rspec (4.7.3)
haml (5.0.4)
hashie (1.2.0)
holidays (6.4.0)
htmlentities (4.3.4)
i18n (0.7.0)
inifile (3.0.0)
io-console (default: 0.4.6)
ipaddr (default: 1.2.0)
jquery-rails (3.1.5, 3.1.4)
json (default: 2.1.0)
kaminari (0.17.0)
libv8 ( x86_64-linux)
liquid (2.6.3)
listen (3.1.5)
loofah (2.2.3, 2.2.2)
lumberjack (1.0.13)
mail (2.7.1, 2.6.6)
marcel (0.3.3)
metaclass (0.0.4)
method_source (0.9.0)
mime-types (3.2.2, 3.1)
mime-types-data (3.2018.0812, 3.2016.0521)
mimemagic (0.3.2)
mini_mime (1.0.0)
mini_portile2 (2.3.0)
minitest (5.11.3, 5.10.3)
mocha (1.5.0)
multi_json (1.13.1)
multipart-post (1.2.0)
mysql2 (0.4.10)
nenv (0.3.0)
net-ldap (0.12.1)
net-telnet (0.1.1)
nio4r (2.5.1)
nokogiri (1.8.5, 1.8.2)
notiffany (0.1.1)
openssl (default: 2.1.0)
ox (2.9.3)
passenger (5.2.3)
poltergeist (1.17.0)
power_assert (1.1.1)
protected_attributes (1.1.4)
pry (0.11.3)
psych (default: 3.0.2)
public_suffix (3.0.2)
rack (2.0.4, 1.6.11, 1.6.9)
rack-openid (1.4.2)
rack-test (0.6.3)
rails (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
rails-deprecated_sanitizer (1.0.3)
rails-dom-testing (2.0.3, 1.0.9)
rails-html-sanitizer (1.2.0, 1.0.4)
railties (6.0.0, 5.2.3, 4.2.8)
rake (12.3.2, 12.3.1, 12.3.0)
rb-fsevent (0.10.3)
rb-inotify (0.9.10)
rbpdf (1.19.3)
rbpdf-font (1.19.1)
rdoc (default: 6.0.1, 4.3.0)
redcarpet (3.4.0)
redmine_crm (0.0.42, 0.0.37)
redmine_extensions (0.2.12)
ref (2.0.0)
regexp_parser (1.6.0)
request_store (1.0.5)
rmagick (2.16.0)
roadie (3.2.2)
roadie-rails (1.1.1)
rspec (2.99.0)
rspec-collection_matchers (1.1.3)
rspec-core (2.99.2)
rspec-expectations (2.99.2)
rspec-mocks (2.99.4)
rspec-rails (2.99.0)
ruby-ole (
ruby-openid (2.3.0)
ruby-progressbar (1.9.0)
ruby_dep (1.5.0)
rubyzip (1.2.1)
scanf (default: 1.0.0)
sdbm (default: 1.0.0)
selenium-webdriver (2.53.4)
shellany (0.0.1)
shoulda (3.5.0)
shoulda-context (1.2.2)
shoulda-matchers (2.8.0)
simple_enum (2.3.2)
simplecov (0.17.1, 0.9.2)
simplecov-html (0.10.2, 0.9.0)
simplecov-rcov (0.2.3)
spreadsheet (0.6.9)
sprockets (3.7.2, 3.7.1)
sprockets-rails (3.2.1)
stringio (default: 0.0.1)
strscan (default: 1.0.0)
temple (0.8.0)
test-unit (3.2.7)
test_after_commit (0.4.2)
therubyracer (0.12.3)
thor (0.20.3, 0.20.0)
thread_safe (0.3.6)
tilt (2.0.8)
transifex-ruby-fork-jg (0.1.0)
tzinfo (1.2.5)
uuidtools (2.1.5)
vcard (0.2.15)
webrick (default: 1.4.2)
websocket (1.2.5)
websocket-driver (0.7.0)
websocket-extensions (0.1.3)
wice_grid (3.5.0)
xmlrpc (0.3.0)
xpath (3.2.0, 3.0.0)
yard (0.9.12)
zeitwerk (2.1.10)
zip-zip (0.3)
zlib (default: 1.0.0)

Here's the version information via bin/about:

 [ /var/www/html/redmine]#RAILS_ENV=production bin/about

sh: darcs: command not found
sh: cvs: command not found
sh: bzr: command not found
  Redmine version                3.4.5.stable
  Ruby version                   2.5.0-p0 (2017-12-25) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version                  4.2.8
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2
  Subversion                     1.7.14
  Mercurial                      2.6.2
Redmine plugins:
  a_common_libs                  2.3.5
  ajax_counters                  1.5.1
  custom_menu                    1.7.4
  issue_charts                   1.3.0
  project_overview               1.2.0
  redcase                        1.0
  redmine_agile                  1.4.7
  redmine_checklists             3.1.14
  redmine_codebutton             0.3.0
  redmine_contacts               4.2.3
  redmine_dashboard              2.7.1
  redmine_helpdesk               0.0.15
  redmine_inventory_manager      0.9
  redmine_issue_badge            0.0.6
  redmine_issue_tabs             1.2.3
  redmine_issues_hub             0.0.2
  redmine_logs                   0.1.0
  redmine_people                 1.4.0
  rm_user_mentions               1.0.1


Replies (3)

RE: Upgrading to 4.0.4 - Added by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago

Maybe some plugins in your installation don't support Redmine 4.0. Many plugins made for Redmine 3.4 don't work on Redmine 4.0 because the web application framework that Redmine uses was upgraded from Rails 4.2 to 5.2.

I recommend getting the latest plugins which support Redmine 4.0.

RE: Upgrading to 4.0.4 - Added by Harry Devine over 5 years ago

Thank you! That allowed the upgrade to work. I removed everything from the plugins folder. We have about 20 plugins, so what do I do now? Put them back 1 by 1 and see if they work?


RE: Upgrading to 4.0.4 - Added by Dimitar (RedmineUP) about 2 years ago

Dear Harry,

This is Dimitar from the RedmineUP Support Team.

I see that you have some of our plugins on your list:

  redmine_agile                  1.4.7
  redmine_checklists             3.1.14

So, could you please contact our support team at ? And our support engineers will help you investigate the situation.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,
Dimitar from the RedmineUP Support Team

Harry Devine wrote:

We are using version 3.4.5 and are having issues upgrading to 4.0.4. We have a separate folder to test out the installation, and followed the upgrade guide (, but we get errors during the "bundle install" step:


Here's the current gem list:

Here's the version information via bin/about:


