


Can it be installed on Ionos(1und1) Webspace

Added by Max Witzker almost 5 years ago


This is an Apache with MySQL Database

I think other DB is not Possible

Anyone experiences with this Hoster?

Replies (3)

RE: Can it be installed on Ionos(1und1) Webspace - Added by Bernhard Rohloff almost 5 years ago

Hi Max,

welcome to the Redmine community! :-)

I vaguely presume, you can't. Apache and MySQL would be fine, but I don't think they have support for Rails apps. Since Redmine is based on the Ruby on Rails framework it requires Ruby installed on the server. There aren't many webhosters who support it out of the box. Most of the time they tell you that you have to go the VPS route for that.

If IONOS isn't a hard requirement and you aren't anxious about using a console to SSH into your webspace I'd warmly recommend you to take a look at Uberspace. They support Ruby and also have an excellent description how to install Redmine on your own Uberspace.

Kind regards,


RE: Can it be installed on Ionos(1und1) Webspace - Added by Max Witzker almost 5 years ago

I checked with putty and the command

ruby -v

and got: ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13) [x86_64-linux-gnu]

Do you think it will run?

RE: Can it be installed on Ionos(1und1) Webspace - Added by Bernhard Rohloff almost 5 years ago

According to the wiki page RedmineInstall it needs at least v2.3 to run.
Perhaps you can install a supported version with RVM.
