Create issue via receiving emails (project_from_subaddress)
Added by Christian Felix almost 5 years ago
We are currently setting up the Receiving E-Mails feature (IMAP), to create issues in Redmine through receiving emails. We are using a Gmail business account for this. We have not setup any folders in that Gmail account but are using the labels Gmail provides instead.
Is there anyway to specify a label instead of a folder in the rake command?
I checked the documentation on this but did not find anything related to labels, only to folders, which we are not using.
//EDIT: We found our solution - We are using the `project_from_subaddress=` parameter to check a certain email now and add these to Redmine as an issue.
Replies (2)
RE: Create issue via receiving emails (Gmail labels)
Added by Christian Felix almost 5 years ago
Unfortunately we are running into another problem. We are using the parameter "project_from_subaddress" and give the value "software-feedback@domain.tld" - The project identifier is also "software-feedback" but when we run the rake command, it is not creating an issue in Redmine and just marks the email as read.
The main receiving mail address is "it@domain.tld" and "software-feedback@domain.tld" is an alias (sub address) for it. So in theory using the above parameter should create an issue in Redmine, or are we doing something wrong?
bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=imap.domain.tld port=993 username=it@domain.tld password=userpassword ssl=true unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1 project_from_subaddress="software-feedback@domain.tld" tracker=Protocol allow_override=project
If we specify a project in the command, it pulls all emails from the inbox and created issues for them in Redmine, but we only want the ones, which were sent to "software-feedback@domain.tld"
Please can someone help us with this, as it is driving me bonkers already.
RE: Create issue via receiving emails (project_from_subaddress)
Added by Robert Schneider about 3 years ago
Propable too late, of course ...
I think a subadress cannot be any address. A valid subaddress could be it+xxxxx@domain.tld
where xxxxx
must be a project.