missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
we're using redmine in italian, but now some users need to use in english and we have noticed that some translations are missing
I've noticed that if I set "english" or "english (united states)" in chrome settings, some translations are missing, for example in the login screen
if I set "english (united kingdom)" everything is ok
how can I set redmine to use british english for missing fields?
Replies (22)
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
I've noticed that redmine has "english (british)" (en-GB) as only english, but some plugins are in "english" (en), how I add "english" (en) to the available languages?
RE: missing translation
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
It may depend on the version you're using but in the current versions of Redmine there are both en and en-GB available.
If it's missing just grab a fresh copy of your version of Redmine and copy it into the config/locales folder. Don't forget to restart Redmine after doit so.
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
no, in my config/locales there are both files
it seems that my redmine take en_GB as language, and if a user users another english this is not loaded
RE: missing translation
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
I did a quick check in my dev environment at current trunk. It seems like every thing works as expected with two users, one of them using English
and the other one using English(British)
at the same time. I also did a diff over both locale files. The en-GB.yml file seems very outdated to me since it's missing lots of strings. You can easily find out which file is loaded by comparing the labels when adding a relationship to an issue. They start upper-case in the English
version and lower-case in the English(British)
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
are you speaking about setting language in your chrome settings? in my redmine configuration panel there is only GB english, even if in locale folder there are both en-GB.yml and en.yml
Screenshot_72.png (19.2 KB) Screenshot_72.png |
RE: missing translation
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
That's weird. There should be both of them available. What version of Redmine do you have installed?
Perhaps that's an issue with file permissions. Is the en.yml file readable by the user running Redmine?
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
I'm using 3.4.11
and yes, all yml files have same permissions
RE: missing translation
Added by Joseph Krankins over 4 years ago
it seems that my redmine take en_GB as language, and if a user users another english this is not loaded
RE: missing translation
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
I've tested it on two instances of mine with 3.4 and 4.1 installed and I cannot reproduce this behavior in any way. Both have English and English(GB) in their list of languages no matter what I do.
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
how are languages loaded? redmine reads locale folder? what if I remove en-GB.yml?
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
I upgraded from 3.4.11 to 3.4.13 and fixed: "english" appeared and all worked fine for a couple of days
this morning, again, all english translations are missing
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
this morning it was working, and now again translation is missing
what the hell is happening?
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
please remove spam from this thread
I've cleared again cache with:
bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear RAILS_ENV=production
and now it works: until when? stay tuned...
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
it still appears and disappers, now I've redmine in italian and some translations are missing
also email sent by redmine, sometimes are missing of some translations
I've also tried to give 755 to tmp folder
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
english is still appearing and disappearing, apparently without any logic
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
I suppose yes, in language menu there are all available languages, I dont know if someone is missing but I dont think, they are many
RE: missing translation
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
This sounds more like a Rails problem to me. A small portion of google foo got me to these URLs where they have kind of the same problem.
Perhaps you can extract some useful bit of it.
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
to be honest, the issue started after upgrading redmine AND system
I've ubuntu 18.04.5 with this packages:
ii rails 2:4.2.10-0ubuntu4 all MVC ruby based framework geared for web application development (metapackage) ii rake 12.3.1-1ubuntu0.1 all ruby make-like utility ii ruby 1:2.5.1 amd64 Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version) ii ruby-coffee-rails 4.1.0-2 all Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline ii ruby-jquery-rails 4.3.1-1 all jQuery for Rails 3+ ii ruby-rails 2:4.2.10-0ubuntu4 all MVC ruby based framework geared for web application development ii ruby-rails-deprecated-sanitizer 1.0.3-2 all HTML sanitizer API extracted from Action View ii ruby-rails-dom-testing 1.0.6-2 all SOM and Selector assertions for Rails applications ii ruby-rails-html-sanitizer 1.0.4-1 all HTML sanitization for Rails applications ii ruby-sass-rails 5.0.6-1 all Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline ii ruby-sprockets-rails 2.3.2-1 all Sprockets Rails integration (part of Rails)
RE: missing translation
Added by [ Desperados ] over 4 years ago
I've created a daily script to clear cache, but issue is still happening
english (and only it) disappears from the languages menu