


Filter ONLY subproject issues

Added by Brute Force almost 4 years ago

- subproject 1
- subproject n

I want to only see issues from subproject 1 - n and not from the mainproject.

I tried to use filter subproject in and manually select subproject 1-n
--> mainproject issues shown

Any ideas?

Replies (4)

RE: Filter ONLY subproject issues - Added by Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles over 3 years ago

Hi Brute,

Is it okay to say that the homework is NOT from the parent project? Or do you have more projects?


RE: Filter ONLY subproject issues - Added by Brute Force over 3 years ago

Is it okay to say that the homework is NOT from the parent project? Or do you have more projects?

Hi Adrián!

I'm the OP but had to re-register because my credentials didn't work anymore.

Currently, the whole structure of projects include many more "mainprojects" and some of these "mainprojects" have further "subprojects":

  • mainproject A
  • mainproject B
    • subproject B1
    • subproject B2
    • ...
    • subproject Bn
  • mainproject C
  • mainproject D
    • subproject D1
    • ...
    • subproject Dn
  • mainproject E

I want to filter for issues ONLY in D1 to Dn WITHOUT issues from D or any other mainproject A,C,E or mainproject/subproject combinations like B,B1-Bn.
Therefore, if I understand you correctly, a simple "All issuses from NOT D" wouldn't work for me.


RE: Filter ONLY subproject issues - Added by Brute Force over 3 years ago

Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles wrote:

Hi Brute,

Is it okay to say that the homework is NOT from the parent project? Or do you have more projects?


Hi Adrián!

Was able to reset my credentials :)

Currently, the whole structure of projects include many more "mainprojects" and some of these "mainprojects" have further "subprojects":

  • mainproject A
  • mainproject B
    • subproject B1
    • subproject B2
    • ...
    • subproject Bn
  • mainproject C
  • mainproject D
    • subproject D1
    • ...
    • subproject Dn
  • mainproject E

I want to filter for issues ONLY in D1 to Dn WITHOUT issues from D or any other mainproject A,C,E or mainproject/subproject combinations like B,B1-Bn.
Therefore, if I understand you correctly, a simple "All issuses from NOT D" wouldn't work for me.


RE: Filter ONLY subproject issues - Added by Nat D over 1 year ago

Feature opened 13 years ago... I encounter the same issue
