Integrating/syncing Redmine with GitLab issues
Added by Quentin Jacquemart about 4 years ago
I am looking to extend the functionality of a local GitLab install with project management and ERP capabilities that I am hoping to get from Redmine.
I installed Redmine 4.1 on Apache 2.24 with Passenger 5, all works great on this front.
Then, I linked my GitLab repository with the plugin redmine_git_remote, and auto update the repository on commit through a webhook from GitLab with the plugin redmine_git_remote.
The result is I can browse the repository tree and see the commits and comments from Redmine, without issue, and as soon as a new revision has been pushed to GitLab.
Things I have tried:
- Setting up the GitLab interaction with Redmine. GitLab says it's activated, and successfully verifies the integration, but I fail to see how this works, as there is no API key or authentication of any form... I am not sure what it tries to do, neither how, and documentation is... succinct at best
- From the "HOWTO setup automatic refresh of repositories in Redmine" I tried triggering /sys/fetch_changesets. I am not sure what a "changeset" is, and I failed to locate any documentation for this term, however, even if the web requests replies code 200 OK, I cannot see any change on the tracker
- I tried the plugin gitlab_tracking, but, again, couldn't notice any issue synchronization.
Probably I am missing a simple piece of information on how to get Redmine and GitLab to integrate to one another. Can anybody point to me what I am missing in my install, or to another source?
Many thanks,
Replies (4)
RE: Integrating/syncing Redmine with GitLab issues
Added by Mischka Lebensland over 3 years ago
RE: Integrating/syncing Redmine with GitLab issues
Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti over 3 years ago
Hi, all. I plan to work on it in next weeks.
RE: Integrating/syncing Redmine with GitLab issues
Added by Markus Boremski over 3 years ago
maybe I can clear things up a bit:
Setting up the GitLab interaction with Redmine. GitLab says it's activated, [...]
This integration just serves a (one way) link over to a project in redmine.
Issues mentioned in your commits will be hyperlinked to redmine.
Also there appears a menueitem to move over to your linked redmine project.
Thats it.
This integration is not designed to link gitlab-issues to redmine-issues.
From my view I would recommend to to disable "issues" on the gitlab-side and just use redmine-issues.
Further informations see here
From the "HOWTO setup automatic refresh of repositories in Redmine" I tried triggering [...]
In our company we never tried to get this HOWTO working.
We decided to use the crontab solution mentioned here.
(With the little drawback that issues in redmine are only updated when someone calls the repository-page in redmine)
So, also we are not using the plugin redmine_git_remote.
As far as I knew it had issues with redmine4.x. So I wonder that you managed to get it working.
RE: Integrating/syncing Redmine with GitLab issues
Added by Max Zan over 3 years ago
Hi Markus !
Issues mentioned in your commits will be hyperlinked to redmine.
I activated the integration on my gitlab and I only see the menu item with the link to my redmine project.
I have many commits or MR with the #issueid but no hyperlink to redmine tho...
Am I missing something ?