Broken MyPage for single user
Added by Florian Brombauer over 3 years ago
I have a Problem with my "My Page"
The Log files show this error:
I, [2021-09-07T14:21:42.016310 #17842] INFO -- : Rendered my/blocks/_issue_query_selection.html.erb (353.6ms)
I, [2021-09-07T14:21:42.016528 #17842] INFO -- : Rendered my/page.html.erb within layouts/base (357.9ms)
I, [2021-09-07T14:21:42.016702 #17842] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 368ms (ActiveRecord: 5.0ms)
F, [2021-09-07T14:21:42.017572 #17842] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `block' for #<#<Class:0x00007f963a73e9c0>:0x00007f963b3330f0>
Did you mean? @blocks):
2: <%= l(:label_issue_plural) >
3: </h3>
5: <div id="<= block >-settings">
6: <= form_tag(my_page_path, :remote => true) do %>
7: <div class="box">
8: <p>
app/views/my/blocks/_issue_query_selection.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_my_blocks__issue_query_selection_html_erb__3000457635270740407_70141601407280'
app/helpers/my_helper.rb:136:in `render_issuequery_block'
app/helpers/my_helper.rb:64:in `render_block_content'
app/helpers/my_helper.rb:35:in `render_block'
app/helpers/my_helper.rb:27:in `block in render_blocks'
app/helpers/my_helper.rb:26:in `each'
app/helpers/my_helper.rb:26:in `render_blocks'
app/views/my/page.html.erb:13:in `block in app_views_my_page_html_erb__2178196461366624321_70141601283640'
app/views/my/page.html.erb:11:in `each'
app/views/my/page.html.erb:11:in `_app_views_my_page_html_erb___2178196461366624321_70141601283640'
lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'
My coworkers don't have any issues
Replies (4)
RE: Broken MyPage for single user - Added by Liane Hampe over 3 years ago
Hi Florian
From the error message you send it is unfortunately not obvious why you get that error.
Therefore, it might help to have some more information about the version of Redmine and installed plugins. You retrieve this information on Administration -> Information.
Best Regards
RE: Broken MyPage for single user - Added by Florian Brombauer over 3 years ago
Hi Liane
Thanks for the quick response!
I attached a screenshot of the information page. (Should've done that before, my bad)
RE: Broken MyPage for single user - Added by Liane Hampe over 3 years ago
Hi Florian
Apart from that your Redmine Instance is outdated there is nothing special. The template which is referenced in the error stack is unchanged until today.
Did you change something before the error occurred? Update of gems, plugins, or the like?
Since the undefined local variable is transferred via JavaScript, there could also be a problem with JavaScript in your browser. This might also explain why your co-workers do not have the same problem.
Sorry, but this is all I can say without having access to the system.
Best Regards
P.S. I recommend to upgrade your Redmine instance if you can. If not, please check the security vulnerabilities listed here
RE: Broken MyPage for single user - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti over 3 years ago
Florian Brombauer wrote:
I have a Problem with my "My Page"[CUT]
My coworkers don't have any issues
Hello, if your coworkers don't have any issues, one of the blocks in my_page comes from a plugin that need review (pretty sure!).
Please remove blocks from DB from your user in 'user_preferences.others' and you should not have error 500.
Disclaimer: DB edits are on your own responsability, edit if you know what are you doing.