


Cross-project related issues

Added by David Besau over 2 years ago

Hi there,
in our organization, we use the cross-project issue relations feature.
Let's say we have two projects A and B. If an issue from project A is added as a related issue to an issue from project B, then members of project B who do not have the View issues permission for project A cannot even see that there is any related issue. This creates some confusion if the person creating the relation does not know which projects others working on the issue are also members of. However, we do not want everyone to be able to access all issues from project B.
In such a scenario, is there a way to have these members either be able to see at least that there is some related issue, but not what it is, or be able to see the name of the related issue but not view its content? Or is this way of using cross-project related issues not encouraged?

Thanks in advance for any help,

Replies (3)

RE: Cross-project related issues - Added by C S over 2 years ago

Well, that's always the problem with cross-project ticket relationships with different user rights.
I would do this via roles and rights management in connection with multiple roles/user groups and appropriately adapted trackers - i.e. if it is to function/be visible across the board, a different tracker must be used than just for single-project-related issues

RE: Cross-project related issues - Added by C S over 2 years ago

Alternatively, you can simply refer to the existing ticket with the number as text input (e.g. #123) in the issue description or a comment - this way everyone can see that there is a ticket, but it can only be accessed with the appropriate authorization...

RE: Cross-project related issues - Added by David Besau over 2 years ago

I wouldn't have thought about using different trackers for this, but true, that's a good idea. And mentioning the ticket number in text input is quite simple but might actually be the solution to our problem. Thanks!
