read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Andreas M about 2 years ago
I use redmine 4.2.10.stable
I want developers not to be allowed to change the priority.
Adminpanel > Workflow > Field permissions
I selected my required role for the tracker i want to modify > every priority field to read only (see attached screenshot)
In my project an user with the corresponding role can still change priority. (see issue edit screenshot)
The user has no admin privilegs.
Only when i set "read only" to all user roles something happens.
Can it be part off another problem I'm currently reasearching? No matter what I change in the workflow tab, after saving and reload the page all changes are lost. See second screenshot please
What am I doing wrong?
Unbenannt.PNG (76.7 KB) Unbenannt.PNG | permissions | ||
workflow.PNG (89.1 KB) workflow.PNG | workflow | ||
issueedit.PNG (19.4 KB) issueedit.PNG | issue edit |
Replies (7)
RE: read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Liane Hampe about 2 years ago
Hi Andreas,
You changed the read only permission for the role Projektverantwortlicher. Is this the role your developers have?
If not, you should select the developer role before setting fields on read only.
If so, you should take into account that role permissions are cumulative. Probably, developers have further role permitting them to change the priority field.
Both could be the reason, that your changes take only effect when you change the field for all roles.
Best Regards,
RE: read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Andreas M about 2 years ago
Hi Liane,
thank's for your response. Yes that is the assigned role in the project.
Can you tell me where the cumulation is defined? It's pretty self explaining for project edit options and so an. But not for field permissions.
I set priority to read only for all users.
As soon as I enable it for manager, even an "Projektverantwortlicher" can change permissions.
Following the organization chart, it should look like:
Manager (CEO ;)
Developer / Entwickler (Worker ;)
The ordering in role tab is like mentioned abvoe.
my actual state / places I checked:
Tracker "Aufgabe" didn't find something permission specific
Project member role: Developer (Entwickler)
Only Tracker "Aufgabe" is in the project available
Workflow Tab > Fields permissions > Role all > Tracker "Aufgabe" selected: every priority option on read only
Workflow Tab > Fields permissions > Role Manager> Tracker "Aufgabe" selected: empty/ not read only
I want developer not to be allowed to change priority. Only Managers should be allowed to
Unbenannt.PNG (7.07 KB) Unbenannt.PNG |
RE: read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Liane Hampe about 2 years ago
Hi Andreas,
What you like to do is definitely possible in Redmine 4.2.10 without any plugin installed.
Do you have plugins installed? If you can, you should run an instance of Redmine without your plugins and test your configuration again.
Sometimes our customers face similar problems when a plugin changes Redmine default behavior.
Best Regards,
RE: read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Andreas M about 2 years ago
i also tried redmine 5.0.5 => same behavior. Here absolutly no plugins.
I'm sure that it is my problem, because such strange behavior would be noticed as bugfix many years ago.
But I'm not sure how to get it sorted.
RE: read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Liane Hampe about 2 years ago
Let me know if you need support.
RE: read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Holger Just about 2 years ago
Can you tell me where the cumulation is defined? It's pretty self explaining for project edit options and so an. But not for field permissions.
Users can have multiple roles in a project. You can check that on the Members tab of the project's settings.
If the user has at least one role in the project which allows editing the Priority, it will be allowed. Admins are assumed to have the permissions of all roles (including non-member and anonymous) in this regard.
RE: read only permission for priority ignored
Added by Andreas M about 2 years ago
Thank's to the awesome help from Liana i finally found the problem.
It's again caused by my previous migration from mysql to mssql. Here bit values where converted to smallint.
In this case it was the bit "isadmin" in the user table. Thank's to the conversion error every user was admin.
Here an hint for everybody with the same conversion problem.
Create an new database with redmine and do
select schema_name(tab.schema_id) as schema_name, as table_name, col.column_id, as column_name, as data_type, col.max_length, col.precision from sys.tables as tab inner join sys.columns as col on tab.object_id = col.object_id left join sys.types as t on col.user_type_id = t.user_type_id where'bit' order by schema_name, table_name, column_id;to figure out which values are bittype.
Search this columns in your existing database and change datatype from smallint to bit NULL allowed.