


Does it have to be admin permission when edit journal through rest api?

Added by me go about 1 year ago

I'm trying to edit or delete the journal using rest api..
So I tried as below

curl --location --request PUT 'https://xxx/journals/850602.json' \
--header 'X-Redmine-API-Key: 2a9aabdc0426b30ec2e81c9b2d18a607cd53909f' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: 
--data '{"journal": { "notes": "asf" }}'

But I got a response. 401 Unauthorized
The journal I tried to edit was written by me ....
For the record, I don't have administrative authority
I can edit the journal from the web page without using rest api..
help me

Replies (1)

RE: Does it have to be admin permission when edit journal through rest api? - Added by Holger Just about 1 year ago

Editing the notes of an existing issue using the API is supported since Redmine 5.0. It was implemented in #10171; see there for a usage example.

If you are on a previous Redmine version, you may have to update the Redmine installation.
