


[solved] Select project_menu item, but css class don't have 'selected'

Added by Tomofumi Murata over 1 year ago

I add handmaid plugin 'my-plugin'.
init.rb menu setting is :project_menu.
I click project menu 'my-plugin', but tab is not change tab-color.
I show 'my-plugin' list item's css class, don't have 'selected' class.
Where setting need.

Please help me.

# init.rb
Redmine::Plugin.register :my_plugin do
  name 'MyPlugin'
  author 'me'
  description 'TBD'
  version '0.1.0'
  url 'TBD'
  author_url 'TBD'

  menu :project_menu, :my_plugin, { 
      controller: 'dashboard', 
      action: 'index'
    caption: :menu_caption, 
    after: :issues,
    param: :project_id,
    if: { |project| 
      project.module_enabled?('my_plugin') &&
      User.current.allowed_to?(:view_my_plugin, project) 

  project_module :my_plugin do
    permission :view_my_plugin, dashboard: :index

  permission :view_my_plugin, dashboard: :index

# config/routes.rb
if Redmine::Plugin.installed?(:my_plugin)
  get '(projects/:project_id)/my_plugin' => 'dashboard#index', as: 'my_plugin_dashboard'
  Redmine version                5.1.1.stable
  Ruby version                   3.1.4-p223 (2023-03-30) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version        
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               PostgreSQL

Replies (3)

RE: Select project_menu item, but css class don't have 'selected' - Added by Holger Just over 1 year ago

In your controller, you can (or better: must) specify which menu item should be highlights, i.e. which menu item the controller (or the rendered action) belongs to. You can find several examples if you check the existing controllers in app/controllers and theior calls to the menu_item method towards the top.

In your case, you likely want to add something like menu_item :my_plugin to your DashboardController class so that it read similar to

class DashboardController < ApplicationController
  menu_item :my_plugin

  def index
    # ...

  # ...

This problem is solved. thank you! - Added by Tomofumi Murata over 1 year ago

To: Mx. Holger Just
Thanks to your answer I have solved the problem.
Very thank you!

RE: Select project_menu item, but css class don't have 'selected' - Added by Mischa The Evil over 1 year ago

Holger Just wrote in RE: Select project_menu item, but css class don't have 's...:

In your controller, you can (or better: must) specify which menu item [...]

FWIW and for future reference: additionally, declaring the menu_item in a controller is mandatory only in specific or non-conventional cases as documented for Redmine::MenuManager::MenuController::ClassMethods#menu_item in source:/trunk/lib/redmine/menu_manager.rb@22495#L38:

        # Set the menu item name for a controller or specific actions
        # Examples:
        #   * menu_item :tickets # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the whole controller
        #   * menu_item :tickets, :only => :list # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the 'list' action only
        #   * menu_item :tickets, :only => [:list, :show] # => sets the menu name to :tickets for 2 actions only
        # The default menu item name for a controller is controller_name by default
        # Eg. the default menu item name for ProjectsController is :projects
