After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Arita Natsumi about 1 year ago
I have a problem.
After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Looking at the logs, it looks like it is waiting for the email notification process to complete. Looking at the logs of previous versions, it appears that email notifications are handled asynchronously.
Is it a bug that the email notifications are being processed synchronously? Or is it possible to make it asynchronous by changing the settings?
- Current Version
Redmine 5.1.1.stable
Ruby 3.0.6-p216
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::InlineAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
- Previous Version
Redmine 5.0.5.stable
Ruby 3.0.6-p216
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
Replies (8)
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Guillermo ML about 1 year ago
Your Mailer queue have changed from AsyncAdapter to InlineAdapter, you must revert the change.
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Arita Natsumi about 1 year ago
Guillermo, thanks for your comment.
Would you know how I can change this setting back? I don't remember changing it myself.
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Arita Natsumi about 1 year ago
I fount Mailer queue setting and changed it back!
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Ismael Jerde about 1 year ago
Thanks for answering, you saved my day.
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Paul Takemura 12 months ago
Question: did you change mailer.rb? That's the only place I could find InlineAdapter. But even after changing the line to say AsyncAdapter, the Information screen says InlineAdapter.
~/stack/redmine/app/models$ diff mailer.rb mailer.rb-orig
< ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob.queue_adapter =
> ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob.queue_adapter =
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Paul Takemura 12 months ago
There was another place I needed to change:
~/stack/redmine/config$ diff additional_environment.rb additional_environment.rb-orig
< config.active_job.queue_adapter = :async
> config.active_job.queue_adapter = :inline
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by James H 11 months ago
how come mailer queue went from async to sync?
RE: After updating the Redmine version, it now takes about 20 seconds to update a ticket.
Added by Paul Takemura 11 months ago
I could be wrong, but it seems that some developers prefer async for speed of development in the development and test environments (they don't have to wait for email to be sent), but think that in the production environment, mail should be sent first, because of what they think is the potential for losing mail that has not yet been sent if the server goes down. I wish that Redmine had a toggle for to specify the behavior. I didn't any mention of this in the Change Log either.