


Simple reliable way to host redmine

Added by Dana Buck 6 months ago

I do not have much experience with servers and backend and hosting services. Everyone on my small dev team is pretty apathetic to issue tracking, so I am taking time to get this going myself. I would like to host a redmine instance using http with mysql and periodic backups.

I was thinking I could just spin up a linode linux vm, and install redmine and mysql directly on the vm OS, and just enable the linode periodic backup feature of the entire VM. Is this reasonable?

Alternatively, our company already uses Google Cloud products for our backend, so I thought I could use Google Cloud Run and Google Cloud SQL. This would be quite a bit of overkill though.


Replies (2)

RE: Simple reliable way to host redmine - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU 6 months ago

Cloud Run, being a serverless service, requires more advance configurations in order to have all the persistent storage that Redmine requires for attachments, files, etc. Also, debugging is harder in such service.

For the begging, I will go with Compute Engine with a separate disk for Redmine data and Cloud SQL with MySQL or PostreSQL for database.

RE: Simple reliable way to host redmine - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU 6 months ago

Otherwise, you can try using a Redmine hosting service like
