


Tracker hierarchy (parent, subtask, nesting) not displayed consistently, esp. when parent changes

Added by Mike Stell 3 months ago

We recently upgraded from 4.x and I liked the new '>' for subtasks in issue list and tracker view itself, BUT it seems to have broken the task view rendering of parent/child links in cases when parent is changed, e.g. these screenshots show that there SHOULD be up/down links but none are there (same project/user permissions):
task view with missing parent/sub links

I was not able to recreate that exact symptom in our sandbox environment, but contriving some trees of task type, I do notice that they are not consistently rendered with the '>' nesting in issue lists. Perhaps the same mechanism is involved with those indents as for the parent/sub rendering in the tracker view?
list that misses nesting of 500026/27 under 500025
view up/down from 500026 (showing 25/27 relationships)

Here is our current environment:

OS: Windows Server 2019 (QA) and 2022 (Civil)
Database: MS SQL Server 2016
Ruby-aware server: Puma

environment details


clipboard-202404191043-qrecy.png (200 KB) clipboard-202404191043-qrecy.png task view with missing parent/sub links
clipboard-202404191044-vs8je.png (17.3 KB) clipboard-202404191044-vs8je.png list that misses nesting of 500026/27 under 500025
clipboard-202404191052-zwsto.png (20.3 KB) clipboard-202404191052-zwsto.png view up/down from 500026 (showing 25/27 relationships)
clipboard-202404191055-ehckx.png (6.08 KB) clipboard-202404191055-ehckx.png environment details

Replies (1)

RE: Tracker hierarchy (parent, subtask, nesting) not displayed consistently, esp. when parent changes - Added by James H 3 months ago

as a note, i believe the indent in the issues list only happens when it is ordered in that specific way where the children come right after the parent.
