


CC Addresses plugin

Replies (6)

RE: CC Addresses plugin - Added by Vladimir Dzalbo about 14 years ago

Thanks a lot! I find it quite useful!

RE: CC Addresses plugin - Added by Razi Baluchi about 14 years ago

Does it add unregistered addresses CC'ed in incoming emails to the Carbon Copy section automatically?

RE: CC Addresses plugin - Added by Nick Peelman about 14 years ago


right now i'm trying to get adding them at issue creation time working.

IIRC there is already a plugin that does that (I referenced it for some of the hooks, its in the Credits section at the github page I link to above). Though he is doings slightly differently, he's overriding the Issue model to send, and thereby all addresses go into the To: field instead of CC addresses going to the CC field. I'm extending the Mailer model for that.

I will probably look at duplicating that functionality here, but i'm not sure yet.

RE: CC Addresses plugin - Added by Razi Baluchi about 14 years ago

Yeah, we've been using the CC list plugin, but unfortunately that appears to have a bug where it only adds the first unregistered address and ignores the rest.

I guess I should look at the code to see what's going on there.


RE: CC Addresses plugin - Added by Nick Peelman almost 14 years ago

Razi, would you be willing to do some testing for me if i implement the receiving stuff? I don’t have a setup to the point where i can test things. Looking at what Dave has in the CC List plugin, there are several things I would / will do different, and it doesn’t really look that difficult (just extending one more model and then some tweaking in other areas.

There is one thing that concerns me, and as somebody who apparently wants/needs the functionality, you might be able to help me out. User A responds to a ticket and CCs User B. User B could give a damn and doesn’t want to get spammed by all the issue updates. How would you suggest going about removing User B from the cc list?

My gut reaction is to do something to inject an unsubscribe link into the bottom of the email, below the footer, but due to the bulk-mail fashion, we’re not sending a customized email to each user in which i could do something like that. The only recourse that user has is to email the admins or somebody and ask to be removed.

Do you have any suggestions on how best to do that?

Razi Baluchi wrote:

Yeah, we've been using the CC list plugin, but unfortunately that appears to have a bug where it only adds the first unregistered address and ignores the rest.

I guess I should look at the code to see what's going on there.

