


How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin?

Added by whoiam whoiam over 13 years ago

Dear all,

I would like to increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by implementing a plugin. Would you please give me some guides to code it

Thanks in advance.

Replies (8)

RE: How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

It is considered rude to ask the same question over and over again in many places on the same forum/tracker in a short period of time, please refrain from it in the future.

Regarding your question: core supports variable project name and identifier lengths since some time, why would you want to do it in a plugin?

RE: How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin? - Added by whoiam whoiam over 13 years ago

I'm sorry to ask question in many places.

I would like to write a plugin instead of a patch file because the problem with patches is that as soon as you’ve applied a change to the software, next time you update the code or try to apply a different patch, you’ll either overwrite your changes or, if your unlucky, break your site.

RE: How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

whoiam whoiam wrote:

I would like to write a plugin instead of a patch file because the problem with patches is that as soon as you’ve applied a change to the software, next time you update the code or try to apply a different patch, you’ll either overwrite your changes or, if your unlucky, break your site.

As I already said: You don't need the patch anymore, recent Redmine stable versions support the longer project identifiers and names already!

RE: How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin? - Added by whoiam whoiam over 13 years ago

Thanks Felix Schafer. I'm using redmine version 1.0.1 and it does not support a longer project name. Could you please tell me which redine version support for longer project name.

Thanks alot

RE: How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin? - Added by whoiam whoiam over 13 years ago

whoiam whoiam wrote:

Thanks Felix Schafer. I'm using redmine version 1.0.1 and it does not support a longer project name. Could you please tell me which redmine version support for longer project name.

Thanks alot

RE: How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

whoiam whoiam wrote:

Could you please tell me which redine version support for longer project name.

Redmine 1.1 supports longer project names and identifiers.

RE: How can i increase the maxlength of project name from 30 to 60 by coding a plugin? - Added by whoiam whoiam over 13 years ago

Hello Felix, sorry for disturb you again. We are using Redmine V1.0.1 and my boss does not want to upgrade into new Redmine version.

Could you please give some instructions to write a plugin for raising project-name length-limit from 30 to 60?

I tried to test your patch file at Redmine v1.0.1 and it got the following errors. Please give some advices. Thanks you.

patching file app/models/project.rb
Hunk #1 FAILED at 66.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file app/models/project.rb.rej
patching file app/views/projects/_form.rhtml
