


Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher

Added by maykel franca hernandez over 12 years ago

Hi!! I installed redmine the version 2.0.1 and all OK. But I like install the plugins:

- Backlogs plugin
- Budget plugin
- Time display plugin

I get install successfull backlogs with this post:

But the other plugins report this error when I exec "rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production"

root@redmine-ubuntu-final:/var/www/redmine/plugins# rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
(in /var/www/redmine)
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- dispatcher

Tasks: TOP => redmine:plugins:migrate => environment
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

If I drop the other plugins, the command rake redmine....OK.

That's plugins works with version 2.0.1 redmine??

Will works with the version 1.4 the redmine??

Thanks in advanced.

Replies (20)

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by DeWayne Whitaker over 12 years ago

+1 having the same issue

Personally trying to install this plugin: redmine-inline-attach-screenshot

running: Redmine 2.0.0.stable.9706

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago

These plugins do not work in 2.x.x because of 'dispatcher'.

  • projects_tree_view
  • redmine_code_review
  • redmine_favourite_projects
  • redmine_lightbox
  • redmine_local_avatars
  • redmine_pastebin
  • redmine_theme_changer
  • redmine_wiki_notes
  • wiking

I do not know what have to be done with them to remove the error. This is a barrier for me to upgrade from 1.4.2 to 2.0.x. I also googled the Internet with no success.

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

According to the discussion in #11035, you should try to change the plugin init.rb code from:

require 'dispatcher'

Dispatcher.to_prepare do 
  <init code>

to something like:

ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare do 
  <init code>

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago

Etienne Massip wrote:

According to the discussion in #11035, you should try to change the plugin init.rb code from:


to something like:


Above helps for some plugins, but others have routing errors too...

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by DeWayne Whitaker over 12 years ago

yup no joy for plugin:

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Daniel Munn over 12 years ago

Ivan Cenov wrote:

These plugins do not work in 2.x.x because of 'dispatcher'.

  • projects_tree_view
  • redmine_code_review
  • redmine_favourite_projects
  • redmine_lightbox
  • redmine_local_avatars
  • redmine_pastebin
  • redmine_theme_changer
  • redmine_wiki_notes
  • wiking

I do not know what have to be done with them to remove the error. This is a barrier for me to upgrade from 1.4.2 to 2.0.x. I also googled the Internet with no success.

Many of these have been fixed ... I've sent pull requests for lightbox and project_tree_view myself; code_review I believe is already 2.0.0 ready, unsure about the others.

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by William Roush over 12 years ago

DeWayne Whitaker wrote:

yup no joy for plugin:

Dev of that plugin here, working on it, developer docs are incomplete for 2.0 so I get to shoot in the dark as to why view overrides are suddenly not working. Sigh....

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Daniel Munn over 12 years ago

William, is your project on Github? - if so makes it easy for other people to fork, develop and request you re-integrate their changes where they maybe more successful at fixing something broken. I've been doing this with a number of projects on Github, bringing them to redmine 2.0

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by William Roush over 12 years ago

Daniel Munn wrote:

William, is your project on Github? - if so makes it easy for other people to fork, develop and request you re-integrate their changes where they maybe more successful at fixing something broken. I've been doing this with a number of projects on Github, bringing them to redmine 2.0

I have it on bitbucket:

Just released 0.3.1, supports Redmine 2.0.

I agree though: I maintain these because I need these (or in the case of Advanced Roadmaps, will be much improved), any help is much appreciated, and I've gotten some before (translations are awesome too).

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Daniel Munn over 12 years ago

In terms of incompatible plugins - I seem to updating the codebase on a number of them as said earlier - I've got compatible versions of wiking, lightbox, redmine_meetings, projects_tree_view (plus a few others).

have a look at - some of these have been integrated already (eg: redmine_ckeditor), others not.

If there is a plugin that isn't 2.0 compatible or you'd like help making 2.0 compatible (for plugin devs) you're more than welcome to email me :).

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Andrius Kriučkovas over 12 years ago

Daniel Munn wrote:

In terms of incompatible plugins - I seem to updating the codebase on a number of them as said earlier - I've got compatible versions of wiking, lightbox, redmine_meetings, projects_tree_view (plus a few others).

Tried redmine_lightbox and "rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production", plug-in installs (is visible in the Administration>Plugins and Info) and , but after apache2 restart with "service apache2 restart", there is no visible functionality.

have a look at - some of these have been integrated already (eg: redmine_ckeditor), others not.

If there is a plugin that isn't 2.0 compatible or you'd like help making 2.0 compatible (for plugin devs) you're more than welcome to email me :).

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Daniel Munn over 12 years ago

Try uploading images into redmine issue (or similar) should provide preview functionality with lightbox; have tested this today as I was adding backwards compatibility for 1.4/1.3 into current plugin release.

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Andrius Kriučkovas over 12 years ago

Daniel Munn wrote:

Try uploading images into redmine issue (or similar) should provide preview functionality with lightbox;

I have opened old issues, containing .jpg, .png, .pdf. None of these can be previewed. Should I understand, that "lightbox" is some other OS-related component, which offers such a functionality and should be installed separately? Because I do not get the expected preview :-(

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Daniel Munn over 12 years ago

Lightbox is javascript functionality, can you please create a sample issue with an image or 2 attached to it, further including a copy of your redmine information (version etc)

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Andrius Kriučkovas over 12 years ago

Daniel Munn wrote:

Lightbox is javascript functionality, can you please create a sample issue with an image or 2 attached to it, further including a copy of your redmine information (version etc)

You mean new issue in a database, on which plugin is enabled? Do you mean, that old issues/records will not show preview, only new ones? :-S

Redmine 2.0.1.stable
Administratoriaus numatyta paskyra pakeista True
Į rinkmenu saugyklą galima saugoti (RW) True
Įskiepių 'assets' katalogas įrašomas True
RMagick pasiekiamas (pasirinktinai) True

Redmine version 2.0.1.stable
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.3
Environment production
Database adapter MySQL

P.S. in my case there is no error with the plug-in. It simply does not work, and I do not know, how and where to debug/review logs.

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Daniel Munn over 12 years ago

I was on about creating an issue to prevent giving out confidential information or some-such. For confidentiality you maybe better off emailing me, however seeing relevent entries in your production.log (shouldn't contain any information beyond whats being rendered [template paths] and to whom) - ;

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by Michael J Albanese about 12 years ago

Just installed Redmine 2.0.3-1 which is great. But as with others I'm trying to add in some plugins without success. Actually I've added the redmine_plugin_support successfully, as my first addition.

I'm failing though when attempting to add the stuff_to_do_plugin. I have taken the above advice (as this initially failed with the -- dispatcher problem) and edited the init.rb file to substitute the old dispatch with the ActionDispatch::Callbacks. That seemed to fix something as the rake db:migrate... went much farther.

It now fails with a complaint about an undefined method 'named_scope', which is called from one of the ancillary ruby files shipped with the plugin named "stuff_to_do_issue_patch.rb". While I'm a seasoned programmer, this is my first look at anything ruby. I get the sense I'm chasing a long trail of dependencies here (a sensation that is present in all languages ;)), OR I most definitely could be wrong.

Is there a workaround for my failure condition, or is it merely up to the plugin author to get around to updating for 2.0.3-1 ?

btw. Is there an officially sanctioned list of plugins that will install for 2.0.3-1. Reading around the forums and web, it appears 2.0 instituted a big shift in its internal use of ruby versions etc.


btw2 Here is the abbreviated stack trace from the installation failure:

bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production --trace
  • Invoke db:migrate_plugins (first_time)
  • Invoke redmine:plugins:migrate (first_time)
  • Invoke environment (first_time)
  • Execute environment
    rake aborted!
    undefined method `named_scope' for #<Class:0x4ad55f8>
    /Users/michaelalbanese/MyApplications/redmine-2.0.3-1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-3.2.6/lib/active_record/dynamic_matchers.rb:50:in `method_missing'
    /Users/michaelalbanese/MyApplications/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins/stuff_to_do_plugin/lib/stuff_to_do_issue_patch.rb:16:in `included'
    /Users/michaelalbanese/MyApplications/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins/stuff_to_do_plugin/lib/stuff_to_do_issue_patch.rb:9:in `class_eval'
    /Users/michaelalbanese/MyApplications/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins/stuff_to_do_plugin/lib/stuff_to_do_issue_patch.rb:9:in `included'
    /Users/michaelalbanese/MyApplications/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins/stuff_to_do_plugin/init.rb:23:in `include'
    /Users/michaelalbanese/MyApplications/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins/stuff_to_do_plugin/init.rb:23:in `send'
    /Users/michaelalbanese/MyApplications/redmine-2.0.3-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins/stuff_to_do_plugin/init.rb:23:in `_callback_before_5'

RE: Plugins for redmine 2.0.1 - Error no such file to load -- dispatcher - Added by John Yani about 12 years ago

Actually I've added the redmine_plugin_support successfully, as my first addition.

AFAIK redmine_plugin_support is not any useful for plugin user. And it's not a redmine plugin.

I'm failing though when attempting to add the stuff_to_do_plugin.
Is there a workaround for my failure condition, or is it merely up to the plugin author to get around to updating for 2.0.3-1?

Did you ask plugin maintainer about Redmine 2 support? Redmine 1.x plugins won't work without substantial changes. Yes, the plugin author should make changes, not the user. But I think help would be welcomed.

It now fails with a complaint about an undefined method 'named_scope'

`named_scope` has deprecated, use `scope` instead.

I get the sense I'm chasing a long trail of dependencies here
it appears 2.0 instituted a big shift in its internal use of ruby versions etc.

Yes, redmine 2.0 has one big change: it supports Rails 3. You know what Rails is, aren't you? And it has nothing to do with ruby version.
Supporting Rails 3 in the backlogs_plugin I used took me a few months and there are still rough edges.
