


DMSF - Disable emailing documents or files

Added by Pradeep Narayan over 10 years ago


How can we disable the 'email document' function in DMSF. We just want users to view the Folders and files stored in DMSF. They should not be allowed to email any documents from the DMSF. Is there any way to do this.

Thank You

Replies (2)

RE: DMSF - Disable emailing documents or files - Added by Karel Pičman over 10 years ago

An interesting idea. There is no existing solution, I'm afraid. But you can simply comment out the 'Email' button in the view.

/app/views/dmsf/show.html.erb (line 109 in DMSF 1.4.8)

<%= submit_tag(l(:submit_download), :title => l(:title_download_checked), :name => 'download_entries') %>
--<%= submit_tag(l(:submit_email), :title => l(:title_send_checked_by_email), :name => 'email_entries') %>
++<%#= submit_tag(l(:submit_email), :title => l(:title_send_checked_by_email), :name => 'email_entries') %>
<% if @file_manipulation_allowed && @folder_manipulation_allowed && !@locked_for_user %>

RE: DMSF - Disable emailing documents or files - Added by Pradeep Narayan over 10 years ago

Thank You Karel !

I will check this..
