

Karel Pičman

  • Login: picman
  • Registered on: 2010-02-25
  • Last connection: 2025-02-24


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 29 32



09:35 Redmine Patch #42239 (Closed): Czech translation update for 6.0-stable
Karel Pičman


09:16 Redmine Defect #42199: Stay logged in option prevevents users from logging in on Apache + mod passenger
It seems that the only affected version is Passenger is v6.0.17 included in Debian Bookworm. After its upgrade to the... Karel Pičman


09:29 Redmine Defect #42199 (Closed): Stay logged in option prevevents users from logging in on Apache + mod passenger
I've just verified on a clear installation of Debian 12 + Apache2 + libapache2-mod-passenger that the option *Stay lo... Karel Pičman


10:09 Redmine Patch #40875 (Closed): Improve Czech translation for "two-factor authentication"
# Dvou-faktorové -> dvoufaktorové
# New texts
Karel Pičman


07:26 Redmine Defect #40655: Revisions count is wrong on the wiki content page
You are welcome. Karel Pičman


17:22 Redmine Defect #40655 (Closed): Revisions count is wrong on the wiki content page
It shows the number of the last revision instead of count of revisions
Karel Pičman


08:46 Redmine Feature #36695: Add check in Redmine information page if default queue adapter is used in production
Here is a patch, that implements the requested feature. Karel Pičman


14:49 Redmine Defect #37730: Missing copyright headers in source files
Here is a patch covering missing copyright headers. Karel Pičman
14:03 Redmine Patch #39179 (Closed): Czech localisation update
Karel Pičman


16:43 Redmine Defect #38177: Authentification oauth2
I think that you have several options:
# Not to use Microsoft mail solutions
# Use Microsoft solutions and then
Karel Pičman

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