


Looking for a plugin to close/lock time entries from the past

Added by G B over 7 years ago


we are recording the time, we work on a ticket, directly on the ticket (vanilla Redmine functionality). At the end of the month, those time entries are used to create the bills for our customers.

Now it happens, that times are recorded way back in the past by our developers. This is a problem, because if the bill for the customer was already created, we have no way to know that we have to include this time entry in the next bill. So we need a plugin to:

  • Lock periods in the past, so that it is not possible to record times for tickets before this date.
  • Have some sort of administrator role, which can create or edit time entries even if the period is already locked.

I would be glad, if someone know of a way to archive this. If not, we are also willing to pay for the development of such a functionality. So if there are no answers here, I will post this to the forum "Job offers".

Thanks for your help!

Replies (2)

RE: Looking for a plugin to close/lock time entries from the past - Added by Jenda Benda over 7 years ago

This would help us a lot as well...we face the same issue every month-(

We are ready to to donate the developer as we really need it.

Thanks a lot for any advice...

RE: Looking for a plugin to close/lock time entries from the past - Added by Jenda Benda over 7 years ago

...other possibility could be to deny/disallow logging time on closed tasks...task could be reopened by authorised person/user role only...

something like this: How to prevent users Log time on closed issues?

just an idea-)
