Anyone know how to get in touch with Kirill Bezrukov @ RedmineUP
Added by George Chester almost 4 years ago
We are a customer of there and have had a very simple configuration issue going with Tech Support for over a month now.
I've ask to speak directly to Kirill Bezrukov and my request gets ignored.
I've sent him a Connect on LinkedIn and it seems to have been ignored.
I'm not sure how these guys keep getting good review unless they are fake.
Honestly, I've found their Support quite lacking.
Replies (3)
RE: Anyone know how to get in touch with Kirill Bezrukov @ RedmineUP
Added by George Chester almost 4 years ago
After doing some research has anyone noticed that about 25 to 30% of their reviews are from User that have been deleted? Other accounts only have a single post or 2 on the same day.
Here is a sample of the top 20 or so;
- [Jan Catrysse - Redmine](
- [404 - Redmine](
- [404 - Redmine](
- [Michael Fuchs - Redmine](
- [Claudio Ghidini - Redmine](
- [404 - Redmine](
- [Matej Leško - Redmine](
- [404 - Redmine](
- [404 - Redmine](
- [404 - Redmine](
- [404 - Redmine](
It seems a bit suspicious especially since I've had a support ticket open for over a month now and can't get a professional response to simple configuration setting.
In an ironic twist is is with their Helpdesk Plugin. You would think the developers of a Helpdesk Plugin would have great support.
Can we quit supporting people like this exploiting this community with their lies and bad support?
RE: Anyone know how to get in touch with Kirill Bezrukov @ RedmineUP
Added by Jan Catrysse over 3 years ago
Hello, just to be clear, I am a real RedmineUP user.
RE: Anyone know how to get in touch with Kirill Bezrukov @ RedmineUP
Added by C S over 3 years ago
I'm also using some free plugins from RedmineUp - i got a problem some years ago and there was help!